[Date updated: 2024/05/29(Wed) 22:05:24]
 I am holding an incense stick in my mouth as I am posting this. acting 
 like it is a cigarette.
 I hope I don't accidentally burn myself (again)
 is the burn of your skinny smell stick any good?
  uh it is ok, not a fan of the smell.
   I just like to pretend I am smoking
   that sounds super chuuni
    never stop ヽ(⌒∇⌒)ノ
    uhh... I was kinda acting like a character in noir fiction
     I don't think thats chuuni
     it's pretty chuuni, if not in the narrow sense of "pretending you have powers or are involved with a conspiracy"
      but that's okay, it's fun anyway ヽ(´∇`)ノ
      I love super powers and conspiracies!
       what super power would you choose?
       in terms of fun, I want to fly (and be durable enough to go fast and not 
         splat like a pancake if I fuck up)
         I could either take it easy and just fly around for fun, or with my 
         general toughness and abilities, I could fight crime or some shit by 
         swooping in and hitting people (well, maybe not, I'd get shot still lol) 
         in terms of useful shit, being able to "escape notice" sounds kick-ass, 
         letting me sneak onto planes and into movies and shit (or banks, or 
         changing rooms lol) or not be bothered when I'm doing something
         if I had to be less concept-oriented and more concrete, just give me 
         actual invisibility then (across the full spectrum of course, so I don't 
         show up on IR)(⌒∇⌒ゞ)
         I do like how the options I picked are basically whether to be a hero or 
         not. (`∇´)
