[Date updated: 2024/05/31(Fri) 18:45:47]
 i once found a link somewhere in heyuri that lead to a page describing the
 history of BBs and imageboards but i forgot where, can anyone tell me where i can find it?
 There's a page on the wiki about that topic, if that's what you mean:
  Otherwise, I can only think of https://wiki.bibanon.org/History
  Maybe that one is the one you're thinking of? I hope this helps! (;^Д^)
  that's not it (though im going to save the links anyway ヽ(´∇`)ノ)
   the one i found was a page with black background and a huge text of the history
   since the 90s, maybe even before then i cant remember and it had links to archives
   and translation notes (since the history of BBs seems to be mainly japanese)
   the one thing i remember reading there was that the person who invented one of the
   first BBs wanted it to be "underground" so he "chose cp" to make it underground, whatever that means,
   and he also got into trouble because someone announced their plans to kill people there
   Sounds liek it could be this:
    One day I will go back to working on it, I swear (;´Д`)
    that's it! thank you!
     you're the one who made it? (;゚Д゚)
     Yes! ...at least the site and the translation - the original Japanese 
      text was written long, long ago ヽ(´ー`)ノ
      Sadly my translation is far from complete, although there's this 
      preexisting effort by someone else who got further with it (although
      there's a lot of "Engrish" which makes it hard to understand):
      Thank you for making this. When I first came across this I showed it to my boyfriend and he didn't understand. He still doesn't.(;´Д`)
