[Date updated: 2024/05/25(Sat) 16:39:37]
 How'd everyone find this place (well, Heyuri in general), anyway?
 I went through literally every board on allchans looking for something 
 new and ended up staying. ┐(⌒ω⌒ゞ)┌
 I was gonna just keep walking, and something made me stay (it was probably 
 seeing rule 8 exist if I'm honest, lol).
 I saw here mentioned in a 4chan thread few years ago, checked it out, 
  eventually made Heyuri my new home ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 It was advertised on another imageboard I was frequenting at the time, 
  and it was pretty much exactly what I'd been looking for ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  Not him, but my experience was similar. I had been looking for an
    alternative site to frequent and while browsing found an advertisement
    posted under a thread on some other board (I think it was 4taba, but the
    thread is gone now). It was outdated, meant for StrawberryHeaven, but
    the reply beneath it corrected it to Heyuri. I visited out of curiosity
    and came to like it. And I've been here ever since. Now you're all stuck
    with me forever... Forever... Forever and ever! (`∇´)
