[Date updated: 2024/04/18(Thu) 19:07:21]
 Gah..so tired..why cant i be a NEET without any consequences ε-(´・`)
 life is so much eaiser when you just sleep all day..no werk no worries..just you, anime/manga and the internet..(if the internet bill isnt so high i hope -_-||)
 that's my ultimate dream(´Д`)
  Why must life be so cruel..heyuri is my only comfort..will probably never leave heyuri..so hip so cool so awesome..its heyuri! (´ー`)
   ur welcome here ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   ││also break your lines by "Make line breaks" (or do it manually if you 
   ││don't have JS enabled) b4 sending posts plz, it's the culture of Ayashii 
   ││and there are software restrictions about it
   │└so sorry!!(´~`) will do better!
   It is the place to be, after all. ヽ(´ー`)ノ
