10085.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/10/17(Tue) 13:31:22          
Man, apart from the Heyuri related stuff, Vidlii really sux (;´Д`)

10087. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/10/17(Tue) 13:50:32          
> Man, apart from the Heyuri related stuff, Vidlii really sux (;´Д`)

I wrote about it at length on here in the past, but sum pplz didn't 
want to face teh facts (;^Д^)

Reference: 2023/10/17(Tue) 15:31:22

10105. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/10/19(Thu) 06:08:07          
> > Man, apart from the Heyuri related stuff, Vidlii really sux (;´Д`)
> I wrote about it at length on here in the past, but sum pplz didn't 
> want to face teh facts (;^Д^)

Vidlii has that typical problem which many 'alternative' sites suffer
from, namely that it tries to 'bring back the old Internet' in a very
warped and out-of-touch sort of way;

-First the admin gets sick of overmoderation on mainstream sites, and
decides to rebel against that by enforcing no moderation whatsoever,
just to fulfill some kind of libertarian fantasy about what the Internet
used to look like, that isn't at all true.

-Thanks to having little or no moderation, there is little or no
discernible culture, which means the site is not attractive to anyone
except right-wing zealots, gorefags, low-effort shitposters, and
edgelords, who really only value the site as a place to dump their
bullshit, which is usually banned everywhere else.

-Thanks to the large presence of unfunny edgelords, the site loses any
word of mouth traction. Anyone who stumbles onto the site or checks it
out based on some reccomendation with soon find it utterly detestable.
Even if they're into edgy stuff, they will likely get bored if they have
any appreciation for diversity. This means that the only people who
stick around will be the aforementioned edgelords, who again only like
the site because their bullshit wouldn't fly anywhere else.

-Thanks to admin not moderating, this becomes an ever repeating vicious

Reference: 2023/10/17(Tue) 15:50:32

10106. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2023/10/19(Thu) 08:45:14          
> > I wrote about it at length on here in the past, but sum pplz didn't 
> > want to face teh facts (;^Д^)
> Vidlii has that typical problem which many 'alternative' sites suffer
> from, namely that it tries to 'bring back the old Internet' in a very
> warped and out-of-touch sort of way;
> -First the admin gets sick of overmoderation on mainstream sites, and
> decides to rebel against that by enforcing no moderation whatsoever,
> just to fulfill some kind of libertarian fantasy about what the Internet
> used to look like, that isn't at all true.
> -Thanks to having little or no moderation, there is little or no
> discernible culture, which means the site is not attractive to anyone
> except right-wing zealots, gorefags, low-effort shitposters, and
> edgelords, who really only value the site as a place to dump their
> bullshit, which is usually banned everywhere else.
> -Thanks to the large presence of unfunny edgelords, the site loses any
> word of mouth traction. Anyone who stumbles onto the site or checks it
> out based on some reccomendation with soon find it utterly detestable.
> Even if they're into edgy stuff, they will likely get bored if they have
> any appreciation for diversity. This means that the only people who
> stick around will be the aforementioned edgelords, who again only like
> the site because their bullshit wouldn't fly anywhere else.
> -Thanks to admin not moderating, this becomes an ever repeating vicious
> cycle.

It's kinda funny - back in about 2002/2003, I remembar getting a stern 
warning from a gaming forum moderator for "promoting warez" (AKA 
casually mentioning that I had a chipped PS1 and played copied games 
when I was younger)

And if there was any "flaming" (and I don't mean calling someone a 
"nigger" or a "faggot", but rather calling someone an "idiot" or 
swearing at them outside of the designated 
slightly-less-moderated-than-the-rest-of-the-site board), things would 
get shut down quickly and you would likely get banned

And god forbid if u made any jokes or adult references that the staff 
didn't appreciate...

That's how much of the web was back then - if anything, it was stricter 
than the average corporate-run website/service today (;^Д^)

The main differences are that back then it was more about enforcing good 
manners/netiquette (whereas today it's more about purging "toxicity", 
"hate", "bigotry", and other vague concepts), and it was all 
manually-performed human moderation rather than automatic filters/bans, 
shadow bans, etc.

Outside of 4chan's /b/ during brief periods of time and a few copycats, 
there was rarely ever an "unmoderated" place to post on the web where 
"anything goes" - and whenever there has been, they've usually proven to 
suck harder than the old over-moderated forums from 20+ years ago (;^Д^)

Reference: 2023/10/19(Thu) 08:08:07

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