[Date updated: 2023/05/20(Sat) 15:35:23]
 does anyone know why imageboards keep getting targeted with bot CP ads?
 is it a honeypot tactic because board users are an0nymoose and  spooky?
 there could be multiple reasons. one is that imageboards are usually not 
  well defended and are known to have many pedos, so they're prime hunting 
  grounds for both actual CP vendors and three-letter-agency honeypots. 
  another theory is that the feds do it to try to take down the smallest 
  chans. they don't want there to be so many imageboards, they want all 
  anonymous activity happening on the site that they've already 
  compromised--4chan. they want to be able to control, monitor, and 
  disrupt all discourse (´~`)
  CP laws are in large part created and tightened as an excuse for 
    censorship, BTWヽ(´ー`)ノ
