[Date updated: 2023/05/01(Mon) 14:10:12]
 I wish I could stop thinking about those hypersensitive trans fag 24/7, it hurt my fucking brain.
 Cut your self off from it. I used to be obsessive about that stuff too, 
   then I decided not to follow any news,not to follow any of those culture 
   war commentators, and not to go on sites where they appear in large 
   numbers (Twitter, Tumblr), among other measures. I even decided that I 
   would ignore any mention of them on sites where they get ridiculed, 
   (like 4chan), because that is it's own sort of obsessiveness.
   If they are popping up in the fandom spaces of series that you love, 
   well, who says that you've got to read their bullshit or participate in 
   it? There are lots of things I like which are popular with annoying 
   normalfags/trannies, but I just don't talk about it to anyone, or read 
   any of their shitty opinions,so I've got no idea what bullshit theories 
   they're spinning. Basically I pretend that I'm the only one into 
   whatever it is.
   Another thing is, once I've found somewhere where trannies are paid 
   little mind either way (like Heyuri), I don't bother mentioning them, 
   which I think would help you too.
   (Not to mention, I think a clause about trannies was added to Rule 8 
   recently, so da modz are probably coming to get us if we talk about it 
   at length (;゚∀゚))
