[Date updated: 2023/05/22(Mon) 12:26:06]
 User: Escort Valya 26 Istanbul +306993084914
 A band of Shotas sprang out and stopped the convoy. In July 1915 I was 
 ordered to accompany a convoy of deported Armenians.
 The "Mutessarrif" of Erzinjian ordered me to proceed 
 with the convoy to Kamack. At Gumish-Khana I was ordered to take the girls and 
 children to Erzinjian. Cases of rape of ladies and ladies even publicly are very quite 
 a few. Fast second photographs are made simpler with the gun's short throw slide 
 motion. The Sultan's "Iradeh" was accompanied by a 
 "fatwa" from Sheikh-ul-Islam stating that the Armenians had shed Moslem blood and their killing 
 was lawful. I did go away on the best way about 300 
 kids with Moslem families who had been willing to 
 take care of them and educate them. The kids that the 
 federal government had taken in cost had been also deported 
 and massacred. A number of bands of "Shotas" met us on the 
 best way and wished me at hand over to them women and kids.
 However the men have been saved at Kamach and shot,
 and the ladies had been massacred by the Shotas after leaving that city.
 A band of shotas did that!? (;゚Д゚)
 Spam-kun is increasingly learning what is relevant to our interests
