[Date updated: 2023/05/17(Wed) 02:26:09]
 Why the fuck am I paying my insurance or my car dealership or my goddamn police ticket if it feels like all they can do is make things complicated?
 All I do is jump through hoops step by step for you dicksucking faggots yet if I mess up the one who gets in trouble is ME!
 Not you shiteating worms that refuse to make things simple for me. I hate you all. I hope you suffer boils and stomach cramps you fuckers.
 Woah chill out, brah. Like, take a sniff of these nice panties I found, 
  dude. It'll like, totally cool you down. Don't worry, it's locally 
  sourced, man.
  Yo, pantsu dealer! U got any of dat quality lace stuff? I'm having 
    serious panty withdrawals, I need my fix! (;゚Д゚)
