[Date updated: 2023/04/12(Wed) 18:56:24]
 User: usagi 
 Do yall have any recommendations on a gaming system that I could get for my moms house. Ive been thinking about getting another Xbox but idk if I want to ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 Dreamcast. Fun games and it's piss easy to pirate!
 User: goblinmane
 ││i quit gaming a long time ago but i always think about how cool it would be to get one of those backwards compatible PS3s that play PS2 games so id say look into getting one of those
 │├Why did you quit? Did you quit it like people quit addictions, e.g.
 │││I also didn’t game for a decade. But I didn’t forced myself into
 │││anything. Vidyas just became boring to me. You don’t name this
 │││“quitting”, right?
 ││└User: goblinmane
 ││ │well i guess it was something similar to your situation actually.
 ││ │i was addicted to video games when i was younger but then my PS3 pooped out on me and my family was too broke to buy another
 ││ │so i was really just forced to quit, after a few years of going without gaming
 ││ │id comeback to video games via a friends console or something and it never caught my attention, they became boring like u said.
 ││ │
 ││ └I never was a console gamer if don't pay attention to playing 8-bit games on Dendi when I was like 6 years old.
 ││   I always could boot up PC, download a pirated vidya and start playing.
 ││   Well, I'm also from a poorfag family and I never owned a good PC/laptop until I started earning well myself. 
 ││   That was a limiting factor, but not such rigid as yours.
 │└I has one since launch ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   ...I nevar use it cuz it's too hot and noisy, I didn't end up enjoying 
   the whole PS3/360 generation much, and I prefer to use my PS1, PS2(s), 
   or emulators instead (;^Д^)
 It all depends on what games and eras of games u liek, and how much 
  tinkering/pirating you're willing to do ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  If you want maximum variety, I don't think u can go wrong with a soft-
  modded Wii since it can play basically every generation up to that 
  - Wii
  - Gamecube
  - N64 via Virtual Console
  - 16-bit and 8-bit systems via Virtual Console and homebrew emulators
  However, the PS2 has a bajillion great games and can also play PS1 
  which also has a bajillion great games. A PS3 can play PS1 games too, 
  but I believe only the early PS3 models supported PS2 games
 PS3 perhaps? PS2 is also dirt cheap.
   Or get a twister board game and Heyurizens over (´人`)
