[Date updated: 2022/10/21(Fri) 02:02:52]
 I wish I was a fat, short, ugly otaku who happened to get
 magically conjoined with a hawt girl so she would have to
 live the rest of her life with my disgusting presence
 attached to her (´¬`)
  That's some deep reasoning man(´~`)
  Amateurs liek me just wanna get laid and stuff(;´Д`)
  Be more imaginative! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
   This is exactly what the web
    needs: more perverted, isolated
    weirdos with weird fetishes. 
    unironically so (゚ー`)
    Even on "Strange World" I feel a need to self-censor and sanitize my 
      true thoughts to avoid driving our less maladjusted users away in 
      disgust (;^Д^)
