[Date updated: 2022/07/27(Wed) 23:30:11]
 User: Kuznetsov
 What do you guys think about adding the kaomoji buttons to all kokonotsuba
 boards, not just textboards and sw?
 User: kaguya
 ││What is left is imageboards, where using yotsuba emotes is already an option
 ││unlike here (´ー`)
 ││I've been thinking the kaomojis listed on /lounge/ might be Ayashii World-
 ││style instead of 2ch-style (though not entirely sure on this, needs moar research), 
 ││which would have been probably better suitable. In the perfect world, the
 ││bbcode reference page would be a popup window and would include all emotes and kaomojis
 ││in a clickable format... but saying is easier than doing it (;´Д`)
 ││s0z if line breaks don't look proper, I've been posting from mobairu devices more
 ││than I'd like to admit in past few days... (´Д`)
 │└Ah, kaguya-san! I've highly missed seeing your posts lately... (ノー`)
 │ │
 │ │About the kaomoji - that could be fun to look into. There is a distinct-
 │ │ive difference in feel between Ayashii-style kaomoji and 2ch kaomoji, 
 │ │and it would be nice to get the selection just right
 │ │
 │ │BTW, if you need help with post formatting on mobile, try this page:
 │ │https://www.gillmeister-software.com/online-tools/text/add-line-breaks_change-line-length.aspx
 │ │
 │ │Set it to every 70-80 characters, and check "retain existing paragraphs"
 │ │
 │ │It doesn't work properly with full-width/Japanese characters though, 
 │ │which includes most kaomoji, so keep that in mind (;^Д^)
 │ │
 │ └User: kaguya
    Harō anon-san, thanks for looking after Heyuri as always (^Д^)
    Thx for the link, but I sure hope I won't need to use it for much longer... 
    I am not sure whether offline life was always painfully boring or it is just 
    me being addicted to computar like a druggy craving for coke (;´Д`)
    ...using a phone under blankets have its own nostalgic feeling. It's 
    certainly not bad for watching stuff (if there's internet...), but certainly 
    not the ideal for typing long posts (´~`)
 I don't think it's necessary, they already have images and emotes
   Emote buttons could be kewl though...
