[Date updated: 2022/07/05(Tue) 03:40:09]
 I've been thinking about the dolls a little and it's really interesting
 how Father changed the designs over time.
 Suigintou is the first doll but she was unfinished, meaning she was made
 last. Hina-ichigo is sixth, Shinku is fifth and Suiseiseki is third.
 So in order to make Alice, Father started with a loli design, but then
 decided that it was imperfect, probably because she acted too spoiled
 to be a perfect girl. 
 He then made Shinku and decided that she wasn't perfect either for some
 reason, and made Souseiseki and Suiseiseki as better replacements for
 Maybe Shinku was too refined for him and he wanted a more playful 
 He really is picky... (;´Д`)
 personally i envy him for being picky. i can't choose, each and every doll has their upsides and downsides
