[Date updated: 2022/06/01(Wed) 20:37:08]
 they sure are interested in kuz there
 I wish kuz hadnt fumbled PR so badly, he did alot of cool stuff that gets 0 attention because its overshadowed by his drama
 │├WE are being overshadowed by his drama, even though he isn't even 
 │││involved here anymore (;´Д`)
 ││└The real question is whether his contributions outweigh his horrible public behavior
 ││ │
 ││ ├Mattari AA wasn't even his contribution...
 ││ ││
 ││ │└No one said it was ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 ││ │ │
 ││ │ ├what if it was (;゚Д゚)
 ││ │ │ 
 ││ │ └Yet the thread derailed into his drama only because kuz was
 ││ │  once involved in Heyuri (;´Д`)
 ││ │  
 ││ │  That's because heyuri is irrevocably tied
 ││ │   to kuzs massive infamy and public persona
 ││ │   
 ││ │   Kaguya should work on fixing that
 ││ │   
 ││ │   what can kaguya do?
 ││ │     
 ││ └No kuz = No heyuri. Always remember (´人`)
 │└heyuri is the only cool thing hes done recently, and by recently i mean
   2 years ago (;´Д`)
 Everyone loves kuz! (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
 /jp/ is tsundere for Heyuri
