[Date updated: 2022/06/24(Fri) 17:29:45]
 huh nice. What is this based on? Any particular Ayashii UI? or it's speculating how it looked.
 - The script we're using (KuzuhaScriptPHP+) is maintained by a Japanese 
     Ayashii user named "ヶ" ( https://hiru.coresv.com/ksphp-plus/ ) and 
     was translated to English by one of Heyuri's users
   - ...which is a slightly tweaked and more secure version of an already 
     modified version of KuzuhaScriptPHP (the modified version was 
     released on 2005/04/01, and the original by しおん was released on 
   - ...which was a popular PHP remake of the Perl-based KuzuhaScript, 
     developed between 1999-2000/10/27 by an Ayashii board owner named 
   - ...which was based on Shiba's Ayashii World script prior him quitting 
     on 1998/09/03 (Shiba being the original Ayashii World founder)
   - ...which was a modified version of rescue's MiniBBS script (namely, 
     v7.5) which was created during 1996-1997, and adopted by Shiba on 
     1997/09/08 (prior to this, Shiba and everyone else was just using 
     random free web BBS services in whatever form they took)
   Sidenote: during Ayashii World's heyday, there wasn't really a single 
   "Ayashii World" - even while Shiba was still active, it took the form 
   of many boards with varying cultures ran by different people using the 
   same "Ayashii World" moniker. There was usually at least one that got 
   the most traffic and was considered the "Main" board, but naturally 
   that title was heavily contested at various points
   Side-sidenote: Despite Shiba quitting in September 1998 and a portion 
   of Ayashii World users famously making the jump to Amezou, Ayashii 
   World never actually died - it was still popular for several more years 
   afterwards, and still exists today (albeit in a much smaller form). You 
   might be surprised to learn that AyashiiWorld@Misao (whose lineage can 
   be traced back to Shiba's final Main iteration of Ayashii World) still 
   gets around 3500 posts per day! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
