[Date updated: 2022/05/20(Fri) 23:05:11]
 breaking rule 8 by linking https://kissu.moe/
 They literally despise Heyuri, why are you giving them attention? Σ(゚д゚|||)
  They are literally indifferent to Heyuri - they just have a mild dis-
   taste for kuz (whose name they eventually wordfiltered to "that guy") 
   because he kept pestering them with self-promotion and one-sided b0rd 
   w0rz for a while, as well as the general Serious Business corporate 
   presentation of present-day kolyma (which most imageboard users - 
   including myself - have a distaste for. Bring back the charming hobby-
   ist/amateur Web 1.0-looking kolyma! ヽ(´ー`)ノ)
   User: Kuznetsov
    I wouldnt call ddosing heyuris servers (remember all that downtime in november
    through january?) and trying to make fake emails incriminating me as a cp producer
    "mild distaste" or a "1 sided war". But then again, you have a habit of speaking 
    authoritively on shit you have no idea about  ヽ(´∇`)ノ
    1. I don't believe any of that had anything to do with kissu (unless 
        you can definitively prove otherwise, in which case I'll be happy to 
        be proven wrong and I'll never stick up for kissu again)
     2. The downtime and performance issues at that time were previously 
        reported by you as being an issue with your ISP regarding the size 
        of our traffic, gateway routers crashing due to your network 
        receiving a lot of traffic, and "getting ddos'd occasionally":
     3. You announced that we were under DDoS attack on 2021/11/19 
        ( https://ayashii.net/bbs.php?m=t&s=2091&ff=202111.dat ), but your 
        hitpiece on kissu hosted on nss.kolyma.org was already online in 
        October - it contained serious CP-related accusations that you 
        provided no evidence for, and it even detailed insults that you had 
        directed towards them prior to all of this:
     Regardless, even if it was true that kissu was somehow behind the DDoS 
     against your network, none of that had nothing to do with Heyuri - it 
     was entirely to do with you, kolyma, and your "interactions" with other 
     websites - and Heyuri had to suffer for it (;´Д`)
     User: Kuznetsov
      1. It had lots to do with kissu, as both the owner and 2 of its moderators
      were diretly involved in the whole situation..
      2. At the time I had wrote these newsposts I had only been suffering these
      attacks for 3 days and I thought it was just a small incident with a little
      peak in traffic, I was woefully incorrect and considered taking down those
      newsposts multiple times but decided not to for posterity. Later on it 
      became obvious what the real cause was, and exactly who was behind it
      (based on when it happened throughout the day, where it came from, and
      people from a kissu/sageru irc room predicting it minutes before it happened)
      3. And? That page is just that, a page, there had been many arguments
      and disagreements before and after it, and i never implied it was some sort
      of catalyst for any one event or another.
      I dont get how that changes anything, whether heyuri is down because
      someone wanted to hurt me or the website, its still down regardless. It
      seems stupid to make excuses for that behavior
      I don't excuse that behavior - I just have no way of knowing who was 
        behind it, so I'm not pointing any fingers. I know what parts you were 
        behind though, because you've generally used your name and tripcode 
        while doing it - petty tribalism, annoying self-promotion (even after 
        being asked to stop), and making many individuals and communities avoid 
        Heyuri purely because of your/kolyma's involvement with it (;´Д`)
        And there were plenty of other instances just like this involving you 
        taking part in dumb internet slapfights with other sites/admins too - 
        particularly during 2021, but even going back to "teh golden age" (I 
        saw ur original Twitter account, shit sucked!) (;´Д`)
        Ultimately this should all be water under the bridge ever since you 
        stepped down as Heyuri admin, and we can finally go back to being a 
        peaceful friendly website - but if you (and whoever else involved with 
        kolyma) keep acting like Heyuri is some despised and attacked website, 
        when in reality it was only you/kolyma that was despised and attacked 
        (at most, and usually with you instigating it in the first place), then 
        we (as in Heyuri) are never going to be able to move past it (;´Д`)
        Instead we'll just continue having these st00pid freaking episodes 
        every time sum n00b comes in and innocently mentions a kewl site 
        they've found that happens to be on your hueg "do NOT send a Christmas 
        card to this year" list (;´Д`)
