[Date updated: 2022/05/31(Tue) 08:43:09]
 MS Gothic comes standard on Windows... you just have to install files for East
 Asian languages in the control panel
 That was true on Windows XP, but I just did a fresh install of Windows 
  7 Pro in a VM as a test, and all the basic Asian fonts (including the 
  MS Gothic family) came preinstalled - presumably that holds true for 
  later versions of Windows as well
  And as expected, doing nothing to Windows 7 besides installing a more 
  recent web browser and loading up Strange World results in the page 
  being displayed with MS Gothic. I can only assume that Windows-based 
  WrongFonters have a very severe case of PEBKAC (;´Д`)
  The only font weirdness I have is line spacing. I did a few tests.
   Pretty much all windows browsers work perfectly fine with defaults.
   Except the line spacing looks like this https://2ch.sh/src/2415.jpg
   When it SHOULD look like this : https://2ch.sh/src/2356.png
   The "problem" in this case is actually caused by this script's CSS, 
     which sets the line-height of posts to 1.3 for some bizarre reason 
     (along with several other ugly changes, seemingly trying to modernize 
     the script's appearance (;´Д`) )
     If you check any other ayashii board (minus the one ran by the maintain-
     er of this script), you won't see this issue... except on Firefox, 
     which likes to ignore MS Gothic's default metrics (;´Д`)
     It could all be fixed for everyone by someone going in and setting 
     .msgnormal, .messagetree, and textarea's line-height to 1 just like we 
     did on /lounge/ and the imageboards, but a temporary fix is get a brow-
     ser extension like Stylus and do it yourself:
       textarea {
         line-height: 1;
