[Date updated: 2022/05/07(Sat) 01:22:57]
 User: Fran
 heyooo ヽ(´∇`)ノ I'm here at strange world. I wanna be friends with you all.
 please come to gikopoi (if you know where that is) and come hang out :> it's pretty fun ( ´ω`)
 User: kaguya
  Tell them to add back Strange World to links of http://gikopoi.com/ and I would
  be happy to link back to Gikopoi on here too.
  Were we ever listed there? ( ’~’)
   Yes: https://web.archive.org/web/20210622174507/http://gikopoi.com/
    I don't know why they removed us (;´Д`)
    I think it's pretty obvious to anyone who was following the multich 
     project (which the person running gikopoi.com clearly was) why they 
     would have removed us - and I don't blame them! (;´Д`)
     Rather than demanding they add us back, let them know that we're under 
     new leadership now, apologize on our previous admin's behalf for the 
     embarrassing and pointless hostilities and BOARD WORZ that they 
     engaged in, and try to make amends!
     User: Kuznetsov
      Why would you believe robert over me? He wronged us, and attacked us,
      then you take his side and say it was embarassing that i did anything
      in return. You say really stupid things sometimes, stop talking about
      things you have no idea about
                                          │   │
                                          │   │
       │big hat of rly clevr and knowin thing or 2 bout teh stuffz n teh watnotz│
                                          │   │
                                         _│   │_
                               NO U     ヽ(`Д´)ノ
       User: Kuznetsov
        Being a useful idiot for some balding creepy pedo doesnt make you clever
        This is really a terrible hill to die on, if your trying to find something to
        shit on me for (which you usually are nowadays)
        I don't give a crap about whoever you're talking about, and I don't 
         "shit on" you - in fact I've stood up for you a lot, and I always try 
         to be tactful when discussing these kinds of matters (like not going 
         I intentionally leave your name out of everything because I don't want 
         to start some stupid witch hunt against you or pin all blame on you)
         I have however taken issue with many of the things you've done over the 
         past year that have negatively affected Heyuri or other cool/friendly 
         websites and projects - I personally thought multich was a cool project 
         (as did you), right up until you burned it down over what appeared to 
         be a minor issue
         As far as I saw with my own two eyes, there were no "attacks" on Heyuri 
         (you and your services however are possibly a different matter, I 
         didn't see anything myself though). To me it seemed like you and some 
         others flinging crap at each other after a silly falling out, and then 
         you involved Heyuri with that lame URL wordfilter/dox stuff
         Then there was several similar instances with other sites/admins and 
         you coming out as "pro-war", which really left a bad taste in my mouth 
         If I'm wrong about anything, I'd rather discuss things peacefully out 
         in the open and have myself and others be properly informed than 
         constantly have posts insta-baleeted and discussions get shut down - it 
         just causes more unnecessary frustrations and resentments (;´Д`)
         User: Kuznetsov
          The problem was that the gikopoi site is owned by the same guy who owns
          0chan, who tried to blackmail me. After all that he did he had the audacity
          to say that some "russian cybercriminal" harassed him and his poor
          innocent project until it shut down. So obviously I wouldnt put up with his
          shit, thats all it is. 
          So the fact you "dont blame them" as if i came and messed with their stuff
          is what upsets me. He (robert) wronged me and when I retaliated he
          acted like a victim, which has been rehashed as propaganda about
          le evil kuz going after poor people for no reason. Multich could have been
          cool if it wasnt managed by an insane person, so you should take
          your grievances to them if you are still mourning its death.
          I dont actually care what side you take in this, its ancient drama and 
          me and him dont give a shit about eachother much anymore. But
          its just a string in weird rumors and conspiracy theories you have 
          posted in the last few months, or you (and others) getting waaay
          too worked up over me fooling around on other sites (something
          i have always done). The continued rage fueled paragrapghs about 
          kolyma.. dont even get me started. I know its not for everyone, thats
          why i removed references to it everywhere, and people still bitch.
          This is the true reason I had gave my position to kaguya. I have
          lost touch with this site and its users, either that or they changed.
          Im still regretful and confused, but i believe that kaguya could
          change the site for the better, since having my name attached
          to anything is a death sentence these days (´——`)
          Well I didn't know gikopoi.com had anything to do with that guy, but I 
            can confirm via a whois lookup that it's most likely true - it shows 
            that gikopoi.com is on the same IP address as 0chan.vip (;´Д`)
            When I posted originally, I was under the impression that the 
            gikopoi.com owner was someone completely unrelated to the drama, and 
            they had just seen things play out as a third-party onlooker the same 
            way I did. I had assumed they removed our links out of disgust/disap-
            pointment or whatever, but now I can at least see that there was more 
            to the story than what I had assumed - I wouldn't have suggested 
            "making amends" or wording things the way I did if I had known. I apol-
            ogize for that (;´Д`)
            Regarding rumors and conspiracies: nothing that anyone says on the 
            internet can be trusted, so I generally ignore the random rantings and 
            raving of internet people (such as faganon or whoever the latest "kuz 
            ruined my life" guy is) - but that also means I take everything you say 
            about yourself/kolyma/whatever with a truckload of salt! I don't 
            believe anything unless I can confirm it for myself, and you/kolyma are 
            surrounded by such a clusterfuck of drama, hearsay, and bullshit (both 
            for and against) that I've just grown to haet the whole thing (;´Д`)
