[Date updated: 2022/04/28(Thu) 19:27:45]
 ( ´∀`) https://nazobbs.dob.jp/~amezo/bbs.cgi?tree=1
 Classic Ayashii world
 ││we hardly knew ya
 │└I'd say that's a new record, but I'm pretty sure one of the Heyuri 
 │ │relaunch attempts has it beat (;^Д^)
 │ │
 │ └Sorry for taking it down, but I thought the subdomain shit was ugly.
   When I get a domain to test my ancient warez i'll get back to ya ;^)
   As far as you think in the heart, Strange-World keeps existing. (´ー`)
   You could contact kuz on IRC and use his *.fka.cx or *.netmode.ru domains
    for your hosting
    (´ー`) Actually, never mind. I already found some nice subdomains on freedns, even if there subdomains at least there free.
    ││I rebuilt the classic ayashii world, or I guess "NazoBBS" (which just looks better than a green background IMHO) at 
    ││You can use marquee tags and all the others, but I still haven't figured out how to let users post with a US keyboard...this script is very interesting. (;´Д`)
    │├RIP your board (;´Д`)
    ││└you could call it downtime (・∀・)
    ││ │
    ││ └it's back online ヽ(´ー`)人(´∇`)人(`Д´)ノ
    ││  Posting doesn't work (;´Д`)
    ││   It only accepts Japanese and Shift-JIS art currently (´ー`)
    ││    I guess that's all it's for anyway
    ││   (・∀・) Working doesnt post online Tangerines?
    ││    User: lg
    ││          ___ 
    ││       >/   >
    ││      / ̄ ̄\
    ││      \__/ ヽ(`Д´)ノYOU SURE LIKE TANGERINES!
    │└That isn't "the classic ayashii world" - it's an older version of the 
    │ │script developed from scratch by AyashiiWorld@Mori, which first appear-
    │ │ed in 2013 (and was shutdown a few months ago, RIP ;_;7)
    │ │
    │ │Nazo keijiban was originally a containment board that Shiba made to 
    │ │segregate all the annoying users who were constantly starting flamewars 
    │ │causing trouble away from the rest of Ayashii, and they became their 
    │ │own independent culture. The guy who ran @Mori created his own Nazo 
    │ │keijiban board in 2016 (also now shutdown ;_;7) using the same script 
    │ │he used for @Mori, which is probably what you saw
    │ │
    │ └( ´ω`) Ohhhh. Yeah you see, I cannot speak Japanese.
      I am kind of ignorant on half of this bible long tome, so sorry for the mistakes. 
      *read japanese
       Also, may I ask who ran @Mori?
       Nobuhiro Takasaki, usually he just went by "Takasaki". His website was:
        If you're interested, there's a wiki with some information about @Mori/
        @Kohan no Mori here:
        On there is a page about the various users including Takasaki:
        ...and there's a history page that covers 2013-2018:
        There's also the Zantei wiki, which has information about various 
        Ayashii scripts and includes an entry for MoyashiScript:
        ( ´ω`) By the way, the script running on green.wwwcat.com, is 
          https://github.com/hackpaint/moyashi (I <3 internet warez :D)
          Thank you for the links!
    I'll check it out, thanks ( ´ω`)
 User: lg
  I set the page zoom to 90 on here to make it look like that ( ´ω`)
  the software only allows Japanese (;´Д`) (if you have a Japanese keyboard on your OS you can just start typing in English and it'll allow that)
    I'll figure it out later.
