3208.    User: kaguya   Post date: 2022/04/09(Sat) 12:45:56             
Gomenne anon, your reply was too stupid to leave up, so I had to delete ( ´ω`)
I will reply to few points regardless, but as you are disturbing users, I will need to
ask you to be so kind and G[ur kuz/kolyma haet boner]TFO of Heyuri please.

- NO U, I might have lied about not caring, but townhall is tomorrow anyways so
I wanted to keep your site-meta shit out of Ayashii.
- (;´Д`) is it weekends or that time of the day that keeps you busy?
- I am not the one to get that done unfortunately, but if you think Heyuri "suck"
now, you should probably consider if it's worth ur dedication for Heyuri as I doubt
we will get some kind of magical boost once that "until then" arrives ( ’~’)

3209. >kaguya-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/04/09(Sat) 14:05:22          
> - I am not the one to get that done unfortunately
you keep telling this but is there anything you would do different if you were in charge?

Reference: 2022/04/09(Sat) 08:45:56

3210. >kaguya-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/04/09(Sat) 14:50:14          
> Gomenne anon, your reply was too stupid to leave up, so I had to delete ( ´ω`)
> I will reply to few points regardless, but as you are disturbing users, I will need to
> ask you to be so kind and G[ur kuz/kolyma haet boner]TFO of Heyuri please.
> - NO U, I might have lied about not caring, but townhall is tomorrow anyways so
> I wanted to keep your site-meta shit out of Ayashii.
> - (;´Д`) is it weekends or that time of the day that keeps you busy?
> - I am not the one to get that done unfortunately, but if you think Heyuri "suck"
> now, you should probably consider if it's worth ur dedication for Heyuri as I doubt
> we will get some kind of magical boost once that "until then" arrives ( ’~’)

You've made some pretty teh st00pid replies and disturbances yourself, 
but I will accept "we're both stupid and disturbing" ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Anyway, I don't think Heyuri sucks. I fucking love Heyuri. It means a 
lot to me and I spend many hours a day working on Heyuri-related stuff 
out of my passion for this place and its users. But... the sad reality 
is that I've been making most of Heyuri's OC and a massive portion of 
the posts/replies for a long time now, and have so far failed at inspir-
ing others to do the same long-term. So an "OC strike" from me would be 
a pretty devastating blow to Heyuri's overall OC output and activity 
level, and yet... even after saying I would go on strike, I couldn't 
help myself and started working on Heyuri things (;´Д`)

You have put a lot of words in my mouth regarding kuz (which is impress-
ive because I always have too many words in my mouth), and you've assum-
ed a lot of things outside of what I've explicitly written. But if you 
go digging through the logs you'll see that I've never said "I haet 
kuz!!!", because I don't. I admit, I did prefer him a lot more when he 
still regularly interacted with us beyond just pushing "the internet 
service that shall not be named" on Heyuri, but even now I respect him 
for keeping Heyuri alive and always (mostly (sometimes)) doing the 
right thing in the end ъ(´ー`)

I won't bring up "that" any more on Strange World if you're serious 
about not wanting that discussion here (kamisama knows I haet seeing it 
being mentioned more than anyone), but know this: anything that gets in 
the way of TOTAL HEYURI WORLD DOMINATION I will oppose with the force 
of a million ejaculations ヽ(´ー`)ノ
                             (  )
                            ノ ω ヽ

Reference: 2022/04/09(Sat) 08:45:56

3211. >Anonymous-san   User: kaguya   Post date: 2022/04/09(Sat) 14:58:23             
> > - I am not the one to get that done unfortunately
> you keep telling this but is there anything you would do different if you were in charge?

Interesting question... It's not like I'm running for Heyuri's presidency, but
if kuz actually maeks me the admin, there certainly are things I would
change or do differently. I respect administrator's authority so as of now
I just enforce whatever kuz wants from me, but once/if I become the
admin, I wouldn't have any reason left to not make Heyuri exactly as I want
it to be, for the good or bad depending how you look it at (;´Д`)

If it's the wish of fellow Heyurizens, I would gladly remove any last presence
of KolymaNET from Heyuri.

I've been actually trying to get rid of Kolyma Jump on GUROchan, since it's
really inconvenient and has left GUROchan with many b0rked links now. I feel
like that thing is only really appropriate for Kolyma's own sites like KNN or
9chan, whereas GUROchan shouldn't have any de-referrer(is it what it's called?)
and Heyuri *maybe* should have it's own de-referrer filled with some jokes.

I would also be moar active with the updates I guess, entering blotter messages
and newsposts more often. We still have Christmas post on top of the front
page (;´Д`)

These all said Heyuri would still run in Kolyma's servers, becuz I am poor with no
income and IF kuz resigns, that would be to benefit Heyuri the most in the first
place - And I trust that kuz likes Heyuri enough to continue providing us hosting.

Else than those, I think Heyuri shouldn't depend on the staff for everything anyways.
See this post made by anon, I liek how he put it: 
I may not even want to have any official "administrator" title if that happens. I 
am just an ordinary user who happened to help Heyuri/SH during the times it
was getting spammed in the first place

Reference: 2022/04/09(Sat) 10:05:22

3214. >kaguya-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/04/09(Sat) 15:52:55          
>- (;´Д`) is it weekends or that time of the day that keeps you busy?
I forgot to reply to this (;´Д`)

It's not even a bad time in terms of timezone or my activities - it's 
just that I'm NEET with poor sleep control, and I live nocturnally half 
of the time. By terrible coincidence, the townhall is usually scheduled 
right in the middle of my sleep hours - more than once I've tried to 
stay awake for it and ended up falling into a sleep-deprived slumber 
shortly before it started (;´Д`)

And even when I have been awake, something IRL will come up that means 
I can't attend - this time it's both, so even if I manage to be awake 
I'll likely have to be AFK anyway. I just want to attend... (;´Д`)

Reference: 2022/04/09(Sat) 08:45:56

3215. >Anonymous-san   User: kaguya   Post date: 2022/04/09(Sat) 15:58:55             
> > Gomenne anon, your reply was too stupid to leave up, so I had to delete ( ´ω`)
> > I will reply to few points regardless, but as you are disturbing users, I will need to
> > ask you to be so kind and G[ur kuz/kolyma haet boner]TFO of Heyuri please.
> > - NO U, I might have lied about not caring, but townhall is tomorrow anyways so
> > I wanted to keep your site-meta shit out of Ayashii.
> > - (;´Д`) is it weekends or that time of the day that keeps you busy?
> > - I am not the one to get that done unfortunately, but if you think Heyuri "suck"
> > now, you should probably consider if it's worth ur dedication for Heyuri as I doubt
> > we will get some kind of magical boost once that "until then" arrives ( ’~’)
> You've made some pretty teh st00pid replies and disturbances yourself, 
> but I will accept "we're both stupid and disturbing" ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> Anyway, I don't think Heyuri sucks. I fucking love Heyuri. It means a 
> lot to me and I spend many hours a day working on Heyuri-related stuff 
> out of my passion for this place and its users. But... the sad reality 
> is that I've been making most of Heyuri's OC and a massive portion of 
> the posts/replies for a long time now, and have so far failed at inspir-
> ing others to do the same long-term. So an "OC strike" from me would be 
> a pretty devastating blow to Heyuri's overall OC output and activity 
> level, and yet... even after saying I would go on strike, I couldn't 
> help myself and started working on Heyuri things (;´Д`)
> You have put a lot of words in my mouth regarding kuz (which is impress-
> ive because I always have too many words in my mouth), and you've assum-
> ed a lot of things outside of what I've explicitly written. But if you 
> go digging through the logs you'll see that I've never said "I haet 
> kuz!!!", because I don't. I admit, I did prefer him a lot more when he 
> still regularly interacted with us beyond just pushing "the internet 
> service that shall not be named" on Heyuri, but even now I respect him 
> for keeping Heyuri alive and always (mostly (sometimes)) doing the 
> right thing in the end ъ(´ー`)
> I won't bring up "that" any more on Strange World if you're serious 
> about not wanting that discussion here (kamisama knows I haet seeing it 
> being mentioned more than anyone), but know this: anything that gets in 
> the way of TOTAL HEYURI WORLD DOMINATION I will oppose with the force 
> of a million ejaculations ヽ(´ー`)ノ
>                              (  )
>                             ノ ω ヽ

I don't mind "that topic" on here, just don't be annoying over it pls (゚血゚#)
That really has does more damage than benefits. Plus, I am already aware of how
exactly you think about that company, so bringing it up to me 9004th time
wasn't going to change anything. Not that I can do anything about it anyways...

That's a good approach for kuz. He is doing a job without any thanks, and
Heyuri is a net barren for him besides ONLY the emotional attachment he has.
Since the times he was active, he has grew up a but, got married and is now
busier with more serious work in that I shouldn't mention (;´Д`)
So I can sympathise if he isn't as interested in Heyuri now. Nothing shameful
about it at least.

Be hopeful and fight, for the tomorrows where yukichan's grandsons will witness
our rising star everywhere across France and Japan ( ´人`)

Reference: 2022/04/09(Sat) 10:50:14

3217. >Anonymous-san   User: kaguya   Post date: 2022/04/09(Sat) 16:24:07             
> >- (;´Д`) is it weekends or that time of the day that keeps you busy?
> I forgot to reply to this (;´Д`)
> It's not even a bad time in terms of timezone or my activities - it's 
> just that I'm NEET with poor sleep control, and I live nocturnally half 
> of the time. By terrible coincidence, the townhall is usually scheduled 
> right in the middle of my sleep hours - more than once I've tried to 
> stay awake for it and ended up falling into a sleep-deprived slumber 
> shortly before it started (;´Д`)
> And even when I have been awake, something IRL will come up that means 
> I can't attend - this time it's both, so even if I manage to be awake 
> I'll likely have to be AFK anyway. I just want to attend... (;´Д`)

In that case I am not going to change the time it's usually being held in teh
future, it's probably the best convenient to do it around when it's
- morning in the West Coast
- noon in the East Coast and West Europe
- evening in East Europe and West Asia
I trust u to just put an alarm or something, I am also bad at sleep management
but NEETs don't have any excuse (;´Д`)

Now I am going to need to think of moar topics that I was trusting on ur list to get
the TH running...

Reference: 2022/04/09(Sat) 11:52:55

3218. >kaguya-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/04/09(Sat) 17:19:41          
> > I forgot to reply to this (;´Д`)
> > It's not even a bad time in terms of timezone or my activities - it's 
> > just that I'm NEET with poor sleep control, and I live nocturnally half 
> > of the time. By terrible coincidence, the townhall is usually scheduled 
> > right in the middle of my sleep hours - more than once I've tried to 
> > stay awake for it and ended up falling into a sleep-deprived slumber 
> > shortly before it started (;´Д`)
> > And even when I have been awake, something IRL will come up that means 
> > I can't attend - this time it's both, so even if I manage to be awake 
> > I'll likely have to be AFK anyway. I just want to attend... (;´Д`)
> In that case I am not going to change the time it's usually being held in teh
> future, it's probably the best convenient to do it around when it's
> - morning in the West Coast
> - noon in the East Coast and West Europe
> - evening in East Europe and West Asia
> I trust u to just put an alarm or something, I am also bad at sleep management
> but NEETs don't have any excuse (;´Д`)

It's actually WAY harder to maintain a sleep schedule while NEET cuz 
usually you'll have nothing to ever wake up or go to bed for. By not 
practicing a consistent sleep routine, you eventually lose the ability 
to control your sleep entirely - much like losing strength if you stop 
working out, or losing l33t sk1llz in a game if you stop playing for a long time

It's use it or lose it, and I lost it a long time ago! I remember you 
said you were studying, so it's possible I've been not practicing a 
good sleep pattern since you were a young child... (;´Д`)

That also means I'm teh old now, and can't stay up all night like I 
used to in my youth - pls stop this ageism and be understanding (´人`)

> Now I am going to need to think of moar topics that I was trusting on ur list to get
> the TH running...

No... my list... it has 28 items... plz trust the list! ヽ(´Д`;)ノ

Reference: 2022/04/09(Sat) 12:24:07

3221. >Anonymous-san   User: kaguya   Post date: 2022/04/09(Sat) 19:20:48             
> > In that case I am not going to change the time it's usually being held in teh
> > future, it's probably the best convenient to do it around when it's
> > - morning in the West Coast
> > - noon in the East Coast and West Europe
> > - evening in East Europe and West Asia
> > I trust u to just put an alarm or something, I am also bad at sleep management
> > but NEETs don't have any excuse (;´Д`)
> It's actually WAY harder to maintain a sleep schedule while NEET cuz 
> usually you'll have nothing to ever wake up or go to bed for. By not 
> practicing a consistent sleep routine, you eventually lose the ability 
> to control your sleep entirely - much like losing strength if you stop 
> working out, or losing l33t sk1llz in a game if you stop playing for a long time
> It's use it or lose it, and I lost it a long time ago! I remember you 
> said you were studying, so it's possible I've been not practicing a 
> good sleep pattern since you were a young child... (;´Д`)
> That also means I'm teh old now, and can't stay up all night like I 
> used to in my youth - pls stop this ageism and be understanding (´人`)
> > Now I am going to need to think of moar topics that I was trusting on ur list to get
> > the TH running...
> No... my list... it has 28 items... plz trust the list! ヽ(´Д`;)ノ

I remember you telling you were a teen in early 2000s so you aren't
THAT old, you can easily shift your sleeping schedule to a few hours
later. Also having irregular sleeps is bad for ur health. I guess you wouldn't
care a lot about your physical health, but I'd personally be more worried
about effects it has over intelligence. ( ’~’)

Also yes, I study but I never claimed to be a good student you see. I
must admit I do, in fact, SUX at least at my classes (⌒∇⌒ゞ)	
It might have to do with my bad sleep pattern too, but mostly becuz...
nevermind, it's too uninteresting (;´Д`)

...i WAS trusting the list, so much that I didn't think enough points of discussion (;´Д`)
I am open to move the townhall (few days at most) because your presence is
important there. I would let you decide a date, but then my free times are also greatly
limited (;´Д`)

Reference: 2022/04/09(Sat) 13:19:41

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