3358.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/04/19(Tue) 21:48:35          
heyuri was super active then it went through a dry spell again, i think
this time its because people were bitching about kuz being kuz, but whatever
happens its always a bumpy ride here (;´Д`)

3359. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/04/19(Tue) 23:14:21          
> heyuri was super active then it went through a dry spell again, i think
> this time its because people were bitching about kuz being kuz, but whatever
> happens its always a bumpy ride here (;´Д`)

Heyuri was super active because - for almost a whole day - Heyuri staff-
san stopped being inactive, stopped shooting themselves in the foot, 
stopped defending obviously indefensible things, and went back to just 
having fun on Heyuri with Heyuri users like old times ヽ(´ー`)ノ

Then they went back to doing what they've been doing for most of the 
past several months, ruined the positive atmosphere, pissed off Heyuri 
oldbies and likely drove some users away with their braindead decisions 
and illogical hills they chose to die on, made me write several epic 
meta posts of epic proportions pwning their asses (well, I haven't post-
ed any of them as usual ^^;), and caused teh partybus to become teh ded-
z0rs once more (;´Д`)

Reference: 2022/04/19(Tue) 17:48:35

3360. >Anonymous-san   User: Kuznetsov   Post date: 2022/04/20(Wed) 04:15:02             
> > heyuri was super active then it went through a dry spell again, i think
> > this time its because people were bitching about kuz being kuz, but whatever
> > happens its always a bumpy ride here (;´Д`)
> Heyuri was super active because - for almost a whole day - Heyuri staff-
> san stopped being inactive, stopped shooting themselves in the foot, 
> stopped defending obviously indefensible things, and went back to just 
> having fun on Heyuri with Heyuri users like old times ヽ(´ー`)ノ
> Then they went back to doing what they've been doing for most of the 
> past several months, ruined the positive atmosphere, pissed off Heyuri 
> oldbies and likely drove some users away with their braindead decisions 
> and illogical hills they chose to die on, made me write several epic 
> meta posts of epic proportions pwning their asses (well, I haven't post-
> ed any of them as usual ^^;), and caused teh partybus to become teh ded-
> z0rs once more (;´Д`)

I really dont get what your talking about and I think your just making a big
deal over something that no one actually cares about. So I fool around on
other sites, what do you want me to do? Quit? Your like  a jealous girlfriend 
who wants an all or nothing relationship? What have I done to cross the people
of Heyuri?

Some sort of referendum or something should be held to replace me with
kaguya if me shitposting on other sites (which I have done since the lolico
days) is such a problem to you. I have otherwise done everything I can
for the betterment of the site, including limiting my own personal ambitions
when i realized it was a mistake to shove them onto other people. If you
dont want to forgive that then fine. I built this site, I turned it from an aimless
software dev project into everything it is, I made almost every decision,
good and bad that shaped it into what it is today, the fact i am held
today through only the lense of the few mistakes I made is disheartening
for a site which I do closely hold dear.

You would also be foolish to say that I dont interact here anymore.  I dont
post with my capcode on because its pointless unless it would make sense
for me to make my presence known, otherwise, I account for a good 15-20%
of all the threads here, easily. 
Some people can never be satisfied, no amount of improvement from the
days of SH will matter, no matter what betterment the site goes through.

Reference: 2022/04/19(Tue) 19:14:21

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