[Date updated: 2022/03/31(Thu) 08:35:50]
 which heyuri admin would you rather have sex with, kuz or kaguya?
 kuz is the choice for M's
  kaguya is for S's
  lolico is for kuudere lovers
  and cavalier is for necrophiliacs
  Sorry kaguya but I'm an S, so you gonna get raped (´ー`)y-~~
  User: kaguya
   Who the butt decides I am for S's, and since when I am an admin (;´Д`)
   doesn't that make me yondaime? ( ’~’)
   I decided cuz I'm an S. Prepare thy pooper for internet buttraep ヽ(´ー`)ノ
    User: kaguya
     This alone does not give you enough evidence to conclude I am for S's (;´Д`)
     but if u insist....
     Let's read an ero touhou doujin about what happened to a foolish girl who
     tried to assault my highness ( ´ω`)
     It doesnt load for me (;´Д`)
      Sadpanda'd! (´∇`)σ
