[Date updated: 2021/10/12(Tue) 07:48:31]
 Someone told me that the original ayashii world was used for sharing links to
 CP and glorifying aum shinrikyo, is this true?
 There's no real "original" Ayashii World, but that kind of thing was 
  allegedly present in Shiba's earliest iterations (which was all myths 
  and legends even by 1998). Not so much in Ayashii World's prime (1998-
  2001) and beyond, at least from what I've seen and read for myself
  It was mostly just the same kinds of posts and hijinks you'd find on 
  4chan and similar places many years ago, only with AA instead of images:
  - ordinary posts and discussions about news, hobbies, and daily lives
  - legendary funny/fapworthy/heartwarming stories that would last for 
  - talking freely about "underground" topics that were socially frowned 
    upon/illegal (like cracking/warez, drugs, etc.)
  - making light of everything including matters that "real world" people 
    wouldn't dare joke about
  - accidentally finding themselves dragged into the mainstream news when 
    somebody leaked the real name of a juvinile criminal
  - being attacked by l33t hax0rs and script kiddies
  - turmoil and feuds with other groups/websites (notably 2ch, who many 
    hated for much the same reasons why 4chan hates Reddit)
  Unrelated, but here's sum Sakura-chan blowjob AA that AGStar stole from 
  2ch and converted to monospace:
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 User: Sinkie Represent
   Not sure, but knowing how 5ch is, doesn't sound too far-fetched.
