[Date updated: 2021/10/12(Tue) 21:03:44]
 I looked all around but I still couldn't find it (;´Д`)
 I eventually figured out how to manually generate it by looking through 
 the code:
     print crypt ( "passwordgoeshere", "r7" );
 The result will be something like "r7/b9cx2mGCfQ", which you set as 
 adminpost in the configuration section of the script. Then when you 
 put your (non-encrypted) password into the name field when posting, 
 you'll get the real admin capcode! ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 Or at least you do ever since I fixed the b0rked code - after hours of 
 pulling my hair out not being able to admin post, I wrote up a HUEG 
 post here earlier asking for help with the issue (I think it would have 
 been the largest legitimate post ever made here)
 Before I hit post, I figured out the solution, which of course was as 
 painfully simple as deleting a pair of brackets (;´Д`)
 User: Kuznetsov
  Welcome to programming (;´Д`)
  RNS makes koko look like well-maintaned code...
  You'a'yll get used to it or fall deep( ゚Д゚)
    I heard perl is like php but that's horribly incorrect php doesn't make you
    define function protocols and then get arguments from the stack
    Older perl required popping arguments from the stack without having a strict
    It means true perl is slow and unnecessarily dangerous due to funky stack manipulation
    everyone knows the cve credit php has maybe it really is based on perl
    I don't know old php either or really php maybe it does force function protocols
    and using the stack for function variables in some cases
    Normal algol function definitions are still experimental in perl5
    Thanks for listening to my qed talk (ノД`、)
