[Date updated: 2021/10/25(Mon) 03:06:54]
 https://github.com/j416dy/2ch yes, it is active!
 User: کتاب خارجی سفارش کتاب خارجی خرید کتاب های خارجی خرید اینترنتی کتاب خارج از ایران
  کتاب خارجی سفارش کتاب خارجی 
  خرید کتاب های خارجی خرید اینترنتی کتاب خارج از ایران
 im waiting!
  2ch does not inspire me, and I don't think it's even complete (;´Д`)
   However, I may have just found a classic Amezou-type script - it's 
   called "Support Script", and was written by a guy named Support. Also, 
   it's written in Perl ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   If you don't know what Amezou is, it's basically the same thing as 2ch 
   (2ch was a fairly direct Amezou clone afterall), but slightly simpler. 
   Since the end of 1999 when the original Amezou closed, this script has 
   been used by the many Amezou offshoots the cropped up, with Support-
   san's board (and script) first appearing just days after the original 
   site's closure
   Firstly, this is what the original Amezou looked like in 1999, shortly 
   before it closed:
   Next, here's Support-san's site where the script files were hosted - I 
   think you'll agree that it looks basically identical to the original. I 
   believe this script was last updated in 2003, but I'm not sure:
   Here's an in-depth (and pretty funny) guide to setting up the above 
   script, with more convenient links to the files. The guide is hosted on 
   Mikawaban, an Amezou offshoot from the year 2000 that still exists 
   today (the site is geoblocked however (;´Д`)):
   There's also a version of this script that was modified by Donut Shoppe 
   (another Amezou offshoot from the year 2000 which died some time around 
   2013). It was last updated in 2008, and there's extra files that need 
   to be obtained elsewhere (including an image resize script from the 
   imgboard script - maybe has image support?):
   BTW I haven't downloaded or tested any of this yet - I found it all 
   while I was writing this post (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
   User: Kuznetsov
     I want to host. (;´Д`)
