[Date updated: 2021/10/30(Sat) 23:13:22]
 Looks like it's time for another lesson in FONTS ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 ◆ Ayashii World kaomoji and AA are made with MS Gothic in mind
 ◆ The lines below should all look the same width (the arrows on 
    the right should all be vertically aligned with each other):
                                                                 ← Tabs
                                                                 ← Spaces
 萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌← Full-width
 αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘ← Greek letters
                                 ← Blank spaces
 ◆ The "mattari" kaomoji below should be smiling and looking 
    relaxed, not straight-faced or serious:
 ◆ This should be a perfect octagon:
    / ̄ ̄ ̄\
   /     \
  │      │
  │      │
  │      │
   \     /
 ◆ This should be b0rked (If it looks fine to you, you're using 
    the wrong font!):
 .    / ̄ ̄ ̄\
 .  /.       \
  │.         │
  │.         │
  │.         │
 .  \.       /
 .    \___/
 ◆ Ideally, there should be no visible gaps or breaks in this 
    line (if there are, your browser is displaying the incorrect 
    line height. To fix, you can use a custom CSS extenstion to 
    set line-height to "1"):
 │└When i use ms gothic, the hexagon looks right and the arrows are correct, but he isnt
 │ │smirking, he is looking serious (;´Д`)
 │ │
 │ └HEEEELLP!!! (;´Д`)
   Your browser must be loading a different Japanese monospace font to MS 
     Gothic. Do you have MS Gothic installed? Is it set as your browser's 
     default monospace/fixed-width font for Japanese? Do you know how to 
     check what font is being used by inspecting elements with F12?
 This is how wikis end up getting created,
  newcomers needing to be taught and oldtimers 
  wanting to save time on writing effort posts
  Speaking of wikis, I've seen several Ayashii World boards using PukiWiki. Apparently it is/was popular in Japan. Examples:
    - @Zantei wiki:
    - @Keijiban wiki:
    - @Fashion wiki (yeah, there really is/was an Ayashii World board 
      dedicated to fashion. Read this wiki to stop looking liek a nerd!):
