1219. Charlotte and Sushiboy (PART 3)   User: lg   Post date: 2021/08/13(Fri) 21:00:05             
Hey sushiboy, Ive always wondered what that orange thing on your head is.
 ノノソハ/い     |(|(|(|(|
リ(  ゚ー゚)ゎ ゎ(♡∀♡   ) 
   |っ っ▼ ▼と  と  )
   |   |       |  |  |
   し J      (___(___)

 ノノソハ/い     |(|(|(|(|
リ(  ゚ー゚)ゎ ゎ(♡∀♡   ) < T- th- the orange th-thing on my head is s-salmon.
   |っ っ▼ ▼と  と  )     You see the reason im called Sushiboy is because I was always like this ever since. 
   |   |       |  |  |       This is the same for Sugarboy. He's a sugarcube. hehe.
   し J      (___(___)

                              _| ☆ |_
          _(::::::::::)       ミ゚-゚  ,ミ"< Oh look another player,
         |(::(;´Д`)::)|    ミ;;';';ミ      Hopefully he doesnt box you in like 1 second.
      ( 0 )__⊃[  ]⊂_( 0 )    | |  |  
       |  |   丶 丶 丶 |  |   (__(__)
               丶  )  )          
                            | |-- |  
                         | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
                          ̄| | ̄ ̄| |

             OH MY GOODNESS!
                 V            _| ☆ |_
          _(::::::::::)       ミ゚-゚  ,ミ"< Holy shoot! He's building a whole 5 star hotel!
         |(::(;´Д`)::)|    ミ;;';';ミ 
      ( 0 )__⊃[  ]⊂_( 0 )    | |  |  
       |  |   丶 丶 丶 |  |   (__(__)
               丶  )  )          
                            | |-- |  
                         | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
                          ̄| | ̄ ̄| |

   I shot him and the bullet went right through!
                 V            _| ☆ |_
          _(::::::::::)       ミ゚Д゚ ,ミ"< HE HAS THE KYMERA RAY GUN!
         |(::(;´Д`)::)|    ミ;;';';ミ 
      ( 0 )__⊃[  ]⊂_( 0 )    | |  |  
       |  |   丶 丶 丶 |  |   (__(__)
               丶  )  )          
                            | |-- |  
                         | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
                          ̄| | ̄ ̄| |
                 V            _| ☆ |_
          _(::::::::::)       ミ´Д´ミ"< This game is so trash.
         |(::(;´Д`)::)|    ミ;;';';ミ 
      ( 0 )__⊃[  ]⊂_( 0 )    | |  |  
       |  |   丶 丶 丶 |  |   (__(__)
               丶  )  )          
                            | |-- |  
                         | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
                          ̄| | ̄ ̄| |

 ノノソハ/い     |(|(|(|(|
リ(  ゚ー゚)ゎ ゎ(♡∀♡   ) < Anyways, uh - um, hows your ice cream?
   |っ っ▼ ▼と  と  )     
   |   |       |  |  |       
   し J      (___(___)

 Always good as it is! Hows yours!
 ノノソハ/い     |(|(|(|(|
リ(  ゚ー゚)ゎ ゎ(♡∀♡   ) < I- i uh- um- its awesome! Just like you!
   |っ っ▼ ▼と  と  )     
   |   |       |  |  |       
   し J      (___(___)


 ノノソハ/い     |(|(|(|(|
リ(  ゚ー゚)い   (♡∀♡   ) < That was delish! It was nice meeting you!
   U   |      (       )     
   |   |       |  |  |       
   し J      (___(___)

                              _| ☆ |_
          _(::::::::::)       ミ   ゚-゚ミ"    |(|(|(|(|
         |(::(;´Д`)::)|    ミ;;';';ミ     (・∀・ ) < She can be with me anytime!
      ( 0 )__⊃[  ]⊂_( 0 )    | |  |      (       )
       |  |   丶 丶 丶 |  |   (__(__)       /    人
               丶  )  )                    (    /  )
                            | |-- |  
                         | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
                          ̄| | ̄ ̄| |

                            Could you PLEASE stop pissing yourself?
                              _| ☆ |_
          _(::::::::::)       ミ   ゚-゚ミ"    |(|(|(|(|
         |(::(;´Д`)::)|    ミ;;';';ミ     (´∀` ) < MMmmm. . . yess. .
      ( 0 )__⊃[  ]⊂_( 0 )    | |  |      (       )
       |  |   丶 丶 丶 |  |   (__(__)       |  |  |
               丶  )  )                    (___|___)
                            | |-- |  
                         | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|
                          ̄| | ̄ ̄| |

1220. >lg-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/08/13(Fri) 21:39:12          
    ┃   What the   ┃
    ┃             ┃
    ┃   F U C K   ┃
    ┃   ───────   ┃
(゚Д゚)σ┃am  I reading?┃

Reference: 2021/08/13(Fri) 17:00:05

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