[Date updated: 2021/05/07(Fri) 23:12:18]
 why do you think kuz is an attention whore? literally everyone of his sites would be way better off if he wasn't one
 User: Kuznetsov
 ││why do your think im an attention whore?
 ││└Oh shit Kuz the russian? we used to talk on discord and stuff you had 9 chan or something and there was lots of internet drama.
 ││ │I remember people would try get me to remove you and stuff because they
 ││ │disliked you but you were a cool oldfag. !!! 
 ││ │
 ││ │+10 respects desu!!!
 ││ │
 ││ ├not that szkuzoid multiple peronas again
 ││ ││
 ││ │└hey tranny, i have a question, why does
 ││ │  your entire life revolve around kuz?
 ││ │  
 ││ └Kuz was in my groomer discord, vary hot and sexy Ṏ℣Ṏ, a damn good femboi bussy would recommend. !!!
 ││  We helped each other build a community online he is interesting I remember
 ││    how he woud shit on newfags for clicking on boards instead of typing in the url lmao
 ││    Last I talked to him he was growing potatos or something on his balcony
 │└buying out a million imageboards is a start
 │ │
 │ ├kuz never bought out a single site besides heyuri for 20$. you are full of sheisse
 │ │ 
 │ ├what imageboards did he buy besides heyuri? can you name any?
 │ ││
 │ │└random imageboard kuz bought that summoned the boss canceling trannys
 │ │ │
 │ │ │freech5
 │ │ │
 │ │ │relevant described textboard yes you autist described to this site which brought direct issues and ensured its permadeath
 │ │ │
 │ │ │sonzaishinaiworld
 │ │ │
 │ │ │being a known faggot
 │ │ │
 │ │ │9channel
 │ │ │
 │ │ │https://kuz.neocities.org/kuz.html kuz is russian moot and lewder while being married https://kuz.neocities.org/russianmoot.png
 │ │ │
 │ │ │qa/4301360 advertising multichan to an unrelated community then advertising this place on multichan
 │ │ │
 │ │ │im convinced for a site owner and janny kuz has done nothing wrong like a demon did nothing wrong
 │ │ │
 │ │ │doesnt mean kuz didnt do this on purpose for traffic and enjoys it
 │ │ │
 │ │ │dont ask again my position with mafias only allows so much banter
 │ │ │
 │ │ ├literally written by the schizophrenic himself
 │ │ │ russian moot my balls, stop fantasizing, fucking mental
 │ │ │ 
 │ │ └what the fuck...?
 │ │  
 │ │  do you need to see a doctor? medications?
 │ │  
 │ │  ill take the datura for increasing iq medic
 │ │   
 │ │   another imageboard kuz bought
 │ │   
 │ │   102chan
 │ │   
 │ │   have nay of you faggots gotten to know him though notjerking him off but he was really cool ejoyed my time with him and respected him a lot.
 │ │    I seen what his enemies were like actual schizos with hate boners or faggots who are annoying and actually gay big time fags.
 │ │    
 │ │    no im a big gay faggot schizo with a boner that went in a gay suna with kuz and some other faggot schizos
 │ │     
 │ │     another imageboard kuz bought
 │ │     
 │ │     2ch.mk
 │ │     
 │ │     i liek ku,z
 │ │      
 │ │      bot
 │ │        
 │ └User: Kuznetsov
    i dont think that makes me an attention whore, unless you could explain more in depth
  ( ‷   ‴ )
   (   •   •  )
    (   ク   ) k∅∅z is a faggot and like all faggots they are queers needing attention as if they were wamem
     (  ー )  you see little k∅∅z down here whining for dick its the same as making wamen shut the fuck up
    ↚(    )↛            ∧__∧
     (    )            (´∀` )nyan~
    (______)          (⊃⌒*⌒⊂)
