631. brainfart   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/05(Wed) 20:26:06          
will the increasing censorship result in people using imageboards more? please let there be a revival

632. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/05(Wed) 22:04:15          
> will the increasing censorship result in people using imageboards more? please let there be a revival

Wat? The Western imageboard population has never been larger or more ac-
tive than it is today. It's also never been shittier! (゚∇゚)

Reference: 2021/05/05(Wed) 16:26:06

633. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/05(Wed) 22:08:00          
> Wat? The Western imageboard population has never been larger or more ac-
> tive than it is today. It's also never been shittier! (゚∇゚)

Yes it is so sit it is just "anonymous" reddit and bullshit I hate it so much it akes no sense why a active enough board where you can actually hang out all day on it talking to anons without being n shit chan does not exist.

Reference: 2021/05/05(Wed) 18:04:15

636. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/05(Wed) 23:31:36          
> > Wat? The Western imageboard population has never been larger or more ac-
> > tive than it is today. It's also never been shittier! (゚∇゚)
> Yes it is so sit it is just "anonymous" reddit and bullshit I hate it 
> so much it akes no sense why a active enough board where you can 
> actually hang out all day on it talking to anons without being n shit 
> chan does not exist.

Ironically, part of what made them shitty was the drastic increase in 
the kinds of people who just hang out on imageboards all day, and don't 
do anything else with their time

Back in the day, imageboards (and the rest of the internet) were the 
realm of relatively ordinary adults and college students with nerdy hob-
bies & interests. There were the occasional deranged lunatics of 
course, as well as many people with crazy and questionable fetishes, 
but most users were functional members of society with lives outside of 
the series of tubes

Shit went south once imageboards became:

1. hangouts for edgy 14 year olds and low effort trolls

2. hives of unabashedly mentally ill NEETs with no other hobbies or in-
terests besides being assholes on the internet and BAWWWWing about 

3. places to develop and promote ideological and political propaganda

4. a battleground for the above groups to fight endlessly with each 
other, each one believing that they're the "one true imageboard users" 
and that it's everyone else who's the problem


Reference: 2021/05/05(Wed) 18:08:00

637. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/05(Wed) 23:40:01          
> Ironically, part of what made them shitty was the drastic increase in 
> the kinds of people who just hang out on imageboards all day, and don't 
> do anything else with their time
This makes a lot of sense and even among imageboard users that culture of being able to fun post and also be serious and argue effectively is rare.

>2. hives of unabashedly mentally ill NEETs with no other hobbies or in-terests besides being assholes on the internet and BAWWWWing about 
This is me.
Older internet culture was about creating content to educate or entertain but it seems now that people are the content themselves or try to be and they aim to get some form of attention of validation.
Reddit may have a lot of subs all togetehr but old internet had tons of unique websites and communities.
I wonder what is next for online I expect things to get worse lmao

Reference: 2021/05/05(Wed) 19:31:36

644. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/06(Thu) 01:46:31          
> > Ironically, part of what made them shitty was the drastic increase in 
> > the kinds of people who just hang out on imageboards all day, and don't 
> > do anything else with their time
> This makes a lot of sense and even among imageboard users that culture of being able to fun post and also be serious and argue effectively is rare.
> >2. hives of unabashedly mentally ill NEETs with no other hobbies or in-terests besides being assholes on the internet and BAWWWWing about 
> everything
> This is me.
> Older internet culture was about creating content to educate or entertain but it seems now that people are the content themselves or try to be and they aim to get some form of attention of validation.
> Reddit may have a lot of subs all togetehr but old internet had tons of unique websites and communities.
> I wonder what is next for online I expect things to get worse lmao

You mean western imageboards becoming a vessel for ratchet teen discordians on literal discord and tiktok, instead of the above now that those pushed out everyone.
The discordians hang out on discord and it sometimes leaks since they can't use something simple as post numbers or search.
1. is being merged 2. is now a larp by them and 3. is either paid or bots. Sometimes they made the bots since it's easy.
2. has some zoos left, you seam nice don't become an imprisoned animal. All of kuz's services are becoming a type of zoo.
Kuz was dumb enough to come back, there's only suffering here now for you. Follow moots example like you have before, it's great advice.
There's also the so called caring about being a imageboard user now being used as a inside joke and the opposite being used. "ok boomer oldfag"
Yes it can get worse, even bbs on newer protocols aren't safe.

Reference: 2021/05/05(Wed) 19:40:01

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