666.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/10(Mon) 14:51:15          
ffffuk this place is too slow and do not say that is good when it is only shitposting here

667. >Anonymous-san   User: Segata Sanshiro   Post date: 2021/05/10(Mon) 16:31:11             
Play sega saturn, kid, or we will have to put you in a hospital

Reference: 2021/05/10(Mon) 10:51:15

668. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/10(Mon) 18:14:58          
> ffffuk this place is too slow and do not say that is good when it is only shitposting here

Welcome to every board ever that is yet to receive a large number of refugees 
from one or more preexisting boards

For better or worse, very few people are interested in using museum pieces 
and vanity projects - they only start using other websites when their old 
ones are no longer viable

Reference: 2021/05/10(Mon) 10:51:15

671. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/11(Tue) 03:53:32          
> > ffffuk this place is too slow and do not say that is good when it is only shitposting here
> Welcome to every board ever that is yet to receive a large number of refugees 
> from one or more preexisting boards
> For better or worse, very few people are interested in using museum pieces 
> and vanity projects - they only start using other websites when their old 
> ones are no longer viable

this place was never viable for any tanzanian english party@ayashii community

Reference: 2021/05/10(Mon) 14:14:58

672. >Segata Sanshiro-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/11(Tue) 05:09:46          
> Play sega saturn, kid, or we will have to put you in a hospital

   |      ヽ:::::::::::    
   | <・> <・>|::::::::::::::::  
   |  (_●_)  ミ:::::::::     I HATE THE ANTICHRIST
   | \_|_/ ノ::::::::::  
   |   \vノ i::::::::::::::::   
   ミヽ_  /::::::::::
   | ヾ   /:::::::::::::::::

Reference: 2021/05/10(Mon) 12:31:11

673. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/11(Tue) 06:20:10          
> > Welcome to every board ever that is yet to receive a large number of refugees 
> > from one or more preexisting boards
> > For better or worse, very few people are interested in using museum pieces 
> > and vanity projects - they only start using other websites when their old 
> > ones are no longer viable
> this place was never viable for any tanzanian english party@ayashii community

why not

Reference: 2021/05/10(Mon) 23:53:32

677. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 02:00:22          
> ffffuk this place is too slow and do not say that is good when it is only shitposting here

What were you expecting? its a Kuz website.  Most of the users here are underage or fresh out of high school. Most of the actual 20 and 30 somethings who grew up with the old internet have moved on and became normalfags or they an heroed long ago.

Reference: 2021/05/10(Mon) 10:51:15

679. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 02:33:03          
> > ffffuk this place is too slow and do not say that is good when it is only shitposting here
> What were you expecting? its a Kuz website.  Most of the users here are underage or fresh out of high school. Most of the actual 20 and 30 somethings who grew up with the old internet have moved on and became normalfags or they an heroed long ago.

wild faganon post

Reference: 2021/05/11(Tue) 22:00:22

680. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 02:39:38          
> > What were you expecting? its a Kuz website.  Most of the users here are underage or fresh out of high school. Most of the actual 20 and 30 somethings who grew up with the old internet have moved on and became normalfags or they an heroed long ago.
> wild faganon post

 You must be gay because you have a extreme  hate boner for me fucking LOL.

Reference: 2021/05/11(Tue) 22:33:03

681. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 03:20:48          
> > wild faganon post
>  You must be gay because you have a extreme  hate boner for me fucking LOL.
no you are just annoying

Reference: 2021/05/11(Tue) 22:39:38

682. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 03:32:47          
> > 
> >  You must be gay because you have a extreme  hate boner for me fucking LOL.
> no you are just annoying

If you  can't handle people you find annoying perhaps you shouldn't be on textboards or imageboards in the first place. Often times Imageboards and Textboards do tend to be the hubs for trolls and people with low social skills and self esteem.

Reference: 2021/05/11(Tue) 23:20:48

683. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 03:42:59          
> > no you are just annoying
> If you  can't handle people you find annoying perhaps you shouldn't be on textboards or imageboards in the first place. Often times Imageboards and Textboards do tend to be the hubs for trolls and people with low social skills and self esteem.

Reference: 2021/05/11(Tue) 23:32:47

684. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 03:55:35          
> > no you are just annoying
> If you  can't handle people you find annoying perhaps you shouldn't be on textboards or imageboards in the first place. Often times Imageboards and Textboards do tend to be the hubs for trolls and people with low social skills and self esteem.

Isn't your whole schtick that you find everyone around these parts 
annoying and constantly act like a lolcow by feeding obvious trolls?

Reference: 2021/05/11(Tue) 23:32:47

685. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 03:57:41          
> > If you  can't handle people you find annoying perhaps you shouldn't be on textboards or imageboards in the first place. Often times Imageboards and Textboards do tend to be the hubs for trolls and people with low social skills and self esteem.
> seethe

 Seethe? really? oh how original and that really shows your age btw. why not come up with something new and original instead of repeating the same zoomer buzzword insults like a parrot.   I know you're baiting so  you're just a brain dead faggot you can do better try harder next time.

Reference: 2021/05/11(Tue) 23:42:59

686. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 04:05:58          
> > If you  can't handle people you find annoying perhaps you shouldn't be on textboards or imageboards in the first place. Often times Imageboards and Textboards do tend to be the hubs for trolls and people with low social skills and self esteem.
> Isn't your whole schtick that you find everyone around these parts 
> annoying and constantly act like a lolcow by feeding obvious trolls?

Yes its called trolling the trolls everybody is basically just talking shit and trolling each other. What i say are my real opinions but you shouldn't take how i act seriously and if you do you're a  idiot.  Anons seem to have a hard time telling when i am being genuine and when i am just trolling because i know how to  play it up so well i have been doing this for years.

Reference: 2021/05/11(Tue) 23:55:35

688. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 07:38:10          
> > Isn't your whole schtick that you find everyone around these parts 
> > annoying and constantly act like a lolcow by feeding obvious trolls?
> Yes its called trolling the trolls everybody is basically just talking shit and trolling each other. What i say are my real opinions but you shouldn't take how i act seriously and if you do you're a  idiot.  Anons seem to have a hard time telling when i am being genuine and when i am just trolling because i know how to  play it up so well i have been doing this for years.

how do you know they dont know your being genuine instead of playing along or trolling you
how do i know youre schizophrenic samefagging kuz for drama traffic
no this is called fighting and its the internet so its called banter which is considered a mans sport
i cheat by mixing truth with bullshit see the above text i only lied once

Reference: 2021/05/12(Wed) 00:05:58

691. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 22:23:30          
> > 
> > Yes its called trolling the trolls everybody is basically just talking shit and trolling each other. What i say are my real opinions but you shouldn't take how i act seriously and if you do you're a  idiot.  Anons seem to have a hard time telling when i am being genuine and when i am just trolling because i know how to  play it up so well i have been doing this for years.
> how do you know they dont know your being genuine instead of playing along or trolling you
> how do i know youre schizophrenic samefagging kuz for drama traffic
> no this is called fighting and its the internet so its called banter which is considered a mans sport
> i cheat by mixing truth with bullshit see the above text i only lied once

i dont like
is kuz

Reference: 2021/05/12(Wed) 03:38:10

692. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 22:42:19          
> > seethe
>  Seethe? really? oh how original and that really shows your age btw. why not come up with something new and original instead of repeating the same zoomer buzzword insults like a parrot.   I know you're baiting so  you're just a brain dead faggot you can do better try harder next time.


Reference: 2021/05/11(Tue) 23:57:41

694. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 23:09:28          
> > Isn't your whole schtick that you find everyone around these parts 
> > annoying and constantly act like a lolcow by feeding obvious trolls?
> Yes its called trolling the trolls everybody is basically just talking shit and trolling each other. What i say are my real opinions but you shouldn't take how i act seriously and if you do you're a  idiot.  Anons seem to have a hard time telling when i am being genuine and when i am just trolling because i know how to  play it up so well i have been doing this for years.

you can tell faganon is a massive newfag due to his inability to format posts
correctly on boards like this

Reference: 2021/05/12(Wed) 00:05:58

697. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/13(Thu) 01:01:09          
> > how do you know they dont know your being genuine instead of playing along or trolling you
> > how do i know youre schizophrenic samefagging kuz for drama traffic
> > no this is called fighting and its the internet so its called banter which is considered a mans sport
> > i cheat by mixing truth with bullshit see the above text i only lied once
> eryone
> i dont like
> is kuz

Didn't say that learn to read retard.

Reference: 2021/05/12(Wed) 18:23:30

698. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/13(Thu) 01:23:48          
> > 
> > Yes its called trolling the trolls everybody is basically just talking shit and trolling each other. What i say are my real opinions but you shouldn't take how i act seriously and if you do you're a  idiot.  Anons seem to have a hard time telling when i am being genuine and when i am just trolling because i know how to  play it up so well i have been doing this for years.
> you can tell faganon is a massive newfag due to his inability to format posts
> correctly on boards like this

Pretty sure being a newfag and post formatting have nothing in common you can believe whatever you want and be a complete sperg over my typing style like a grammar Nazi and call me a newfag all you want but it is simply  not true.

Reference: 2021/05/12(Wed) 19:09:28

700. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/13(Thu) 04:27:17          
> > you can tell faganon is a massive newfag due to his inability to format posts
> > correctly on boards like this
> Pretty sure being a newfag and post formatting have nothing in common you can believe whatever you want and be a complete sperg over my typing style like a grammar Nazi and call me a newfag all you want but it is simply  not true.

you have clearly never used a board like this and arent familiar with the
proper ettiquite and formatting. you are too new to understand it

Reference: 2021/05/12(Wed) 21:23:48

701. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/13(Thu) 05:15:43          
> > Pretty sure being a newfag and post formatting have nothing in common you can believe whatever you want and be a complete sperg over my typing style like a grammar Nazi and call me a newfag all you want but it is simply  not true.
> you have clearly never used a board like this and arent familiar with the
> proper ettiquite and formatting. you are too new to understand it

Its a message-board you fucking retard it is not that deep complexed or complicated.

Reference: 2021/05/13(Thu) 00:27:17

702. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/13(Thu) 07:49:49          
> > you have clearly never used a board like this and arent familiar with the
> > proper ettiquite and formatting. you are too new to understand it
> Its a message-board you fucking retard it is not that deep complexed or complicated.

aaand you have exposed yourself as a
retarded, naive newfag.

go back.

Reference: 2021/05/13(Thu) 01:15:43

704. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/13(Thu) 10:25:04          
> > 
> > Its a message-board you fucking retard it is not that deep complexed or complicated.
> aaand you have exposed yourself as a
> retarded, naïve newfag.
> go back.

Actually the one who is naïve is you since you keep replying to me even though i am obviously trolling the shit out of you.

Reference: 2021/05/13(Thu) 03:49:49

738. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/21(Fri) 03:32:19          
What were you expecting? its a Kuz website.  Most of the users here
are underage or fresh out of high school. Most of the actual 20 and
30 somethings who grew up with the old internet have moved on and
became normalfags or they an heroed long ago.

i am the cutter man i cut yo text

Reference: 2021/05/11(Tue) 22:00:22

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