663. You Must Play Sega Saturn!!!   User: Segata Sanshiro   Post date: 2021/05/10(Mon) 06:16:41             
Oh hey, I heard you're a (echo effect) "GAMER" 

but you don't have a sega saturn?

have you not seen its great library of "hidden gems"?

girls look at you and laugh, saying, "he hasn't played 10-player bomberman" 

The Saturn has:
Shoot em ups
Uh.. Clockwork Knight
The other NiGHT
A lot of stupid games you'll never play because you never learned Japanese when you had the chance 10 years ago
Sonic 3D Blast
That one Pinball game with the John Petrucci soundtrack
Lunar (it just got an english fantranslation)
Legend of Heroes: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch
Albert Odyssey
Dragon Force
Spot goes to hollywood!

It's the best 2D console ever. You wouldn't be seen dead without one in your collection.


PLAY SEGA SATURN! THIS IS AN ORDER! Those without saturns die!

687. >You dumb fuckers   User: Segata Sanshiro   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 06:52:44             
> Oh hey, I heard you're a (echo effect) "GAMER" 
> but you don't have a sega saturn?
> have you not seen its great library of "hidden gems"?
> girls look at you and laugh, saying, "he hasn't played 10-player bomberman" 
> The Saturn has:
> Bomberman
> Shoot em ups
> Uh.. Clockwork Knight
> The other NiGHT
> Bug!
> A lot of stupid games you'll never play because you never learned Japanese when you had the chance 10 years ago
> Sonic 3D Blast
> That one Pinball game with the John Petrucci soundtrack
> Lunar (it just got an english fantranslation)
> Legend of Heroes: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch
> Albert Odyssey
> Dragon Force
> Spot goes to hollywood!
> It's the best 2D console ever. You wouldn't be seen dead without one in your collection.
> PLAY SEGA SATURN! THIS IS AN ORDER! Those without saturns die!

Bumping because you retards aren't playing sega saturn. 

what the fuck are you waiting for? 


go buy one right now.

Reference: 2021/05/10(Mon) 02:16:41

689. >Segata Sanshiro-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 07:38:19          
> Bumping because you retards aren't playing sega saturn. 
> what the fuck are you waiting for? 
> https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=sega+saturn+tested+working&_sacat=0
> go buy one right now.


Reference: 2021/05/12(Wed) 02:52:44

690. >Segata Sanshiro-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/05/12(Wed) 08:24:24          
> Bumping because you retards aren't playing sega saturn. 
> what the fuck are you waiting for? 
> https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=sega+saturn+tested+working&_sacat=0
> go buy one right now.

My apologies Mr. Segata Sanshiro-san, but the Segata Saturnus does not ignite any desire
to own such a, excuse me, retarded piece of fucking junk, *ahem* in my humble heart.
Anywho, I wish you a very good day my good sir.

Reference: 2021/05/12(Wed) 02:52:44

699. >Retarded Anon   User: Segata Sanshiro   Post date: 2021/05/13(Thu) 03:54:21             
> > Bumping because you retards aren't playing sega saturn. 
> > what the fuck are you waiting for? 
> > https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2380057.m570.l1313&_nkw=sega+saturn+tested+working&_sacat=0
> > go buy one right now.
> My apologies Mr. Segata Sanshiro-san, but the Segata Saturnus does not ignite any desire
> to own such a, excuse me, retarded piece of fucking junk, *ahem* in my humble heart.
> Anywho, I wish you a very good day my good sir.


Eat shit and die, you'll be seeing me shortly from a hospital bed.

Reference: 2021/05/12(Wed) 04:24:24

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