[Date updated: 2021/04/10(Sat) 08:31:27]
 I played the crap out of Croc on PSX as a kid - that video is missing 
  all the funky-ass music though! (;´Д`)
  Did the PC version not have music? The graphics look worse too...
  Linkto:2021/04/09(金) 09:18:28
  The person recording likely does not have the CD in the drive, so no music is playing.
   The poor guy seems new to the game. 
   I own the Saturn version, which has better graphics as well. Though it is prone to an unusual glitch:
   You cannot start the game normally, you must turn the console on before and then put the disk in after the main bios menu has loaded. 
   This makes it one of the only Saturn games that is impossible to play using a burned disk and a bios-skip cart like pseudosaturn.
   Linkto:2021/04/09(金) 12:08:10
   Woah, a wild Saturn owner! What are some of your favorite Saturn games?
    And is the d-pad really as good as everyone says it is? The PSX one 
    would leave a painful imprint in my thumb after a while (;´Д`)
    Linkto:2021/04/09(金) 19:14:49
    Gonna have to go with:
      Saturn Bomberman
      Bomberman Wars
      NiGHTS into Dreams
      Albert Odyssey
      Magic Knight Rayearth
      Sonic R
      Daytona USA
      Bug Too
      Mr Bones
      And lots of others! 
      It's like fingering an angel. 
      The D Pad isn't rigid like on the PS1, there's a little circle around the pad that catches the pad as you press it. You never end up digging into any of the buttons. 
      Also, croc supports the 3D controller, so you can play it with an analog stick :)
      Linkto:2021/04/10(土) 04:51:57
