[Date updated: 2021/04/19(Mon) 23:01:57]
 where we organize raids and do other cool stuff!!! it would be so fun and awesome!!!
 scum (´ー`) 
  ( •_•)>⌐■-■
  (⌐■_■)  -Count me in
  Linkto:2021/04/17(土) 18:09:59
 Nice idea!
 ││First we need at least one l33t black hat hax0r guy...
 ││And a wide variety of unsuspecting bulletin boards with crappy 90s-tier 
 ││And lots of us users to pile in and cause chaos...
 ││...on second thought, maybe we're not ready to raid yet (;´Д`)
 ││Linkto:2021/04/17(土) 18:09:59
 │└are there any textboards outside of japan that are active at all? (;´Д`)
 │ │
 │ │are all western textboards destined for death and 0 activity? (´ー`) 
 │ │
 │ │i mean at least steady 10+ posts per hour
 │ │
 │ │Linkto:2021/04/17(土) 19:02:24
 │ │
 │ ├User: Tokiko
 │ ││It's not just a "Shii-ism" -- I wrote the Wikipedia page on 
 │ ││textboards! 
 │ ││
 │ ││-- the "multichan" / 0chan.vip guy
 │ ││
 │ ││Linkto:2021/04/17(土) 20:10:25
 │ ││
 │ │└Not sure if serious, but it's a fairly crappy article built on several 
 │ │  false premises and filled with misinformation, so I wouldn't be too 
 │ │  proud of that!
 │ │  
 │ │  Firstly, "textboard" is not terminology used by the Japanese them-
 │ │  selves. As already stated before, the Japanese nearly always call them 
 │ │  掲示板 (keijiban), which literally means "bulletin board"
 │ │  
 │ │  They don't use that term to distinguish between Western and Japanese 
 │ │  bulletin boards, nor do they use it to describe any particular type of 
 │ │  bulletin board (for that they simply add extra words, i.e. "thread-
 │ │  float type bulletin board", "image bulletin board", "oekaki bulletin 
 │ │  board", "voice bulletin board", etc.). It covers all of the above, and 
 │ │  more
 │ │  
 │ │  Even in the West, back when Japanese-style bulletin boards had slightly 
 │ │  more relevance than they do today, a more common label for them was 
 │ │  "anonymous bulletin board" / "anonymous BBS". You can see it both here:
 │ │  http://wakaba.c3.cx/shii/ (Shiichan Anonymous BBS)
 │ │  and here:
 │ │  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Z3ryRQ8OVA (Anonymous BBS Otakon Panel 
 │ │  2006)
 │ │  
 │ │  And finally: that article seems to give a lot of credence to 2channel, 
 │ │  when 2ch was - as Hiroyuki himself has stated - basically a clone of 
 │ │  Amezou. Amezou was the first Japanese bulletin board to implement a 
 │ │  thread-float script (meaning that threads "floated" to the top of the 
 │ │  index when they received new replies - "bumping", essentially), and yet 
 │ │  the "textboard" article makes no mention of it!
 │ │  
 │ │  UZEEEeee "textboard" (;´Д`)
 │ │  
 │ │  Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 15:56:08
 │ │  
 │ └Well, to understand the situation you first have to realize that the 
    term "textboards" is just a Shii-ism - it took off mainly because by 
    the time the West found out about 2ch, Japanese imageboards already 
    existed to compare them with. The Japanese have always called them 
    掲示板 (keijiban), which literally means "bulletin board" (even in the 
    sense of their real life counterpart) - so really we should just call 
    them that!
    Western bulletin boards include things like PHP forums and sites like 
    Reddit, so there are in fact popular Western "textboards" out there, 
    and have been for decades - but they all require registration and user-
    names, because that's simply the way our online culture developed back 
    in the 90s
    Will anonymous, registration-less bulletin boards in the West ever be 
    popular? Probably not. They're pretty much always going to only appeal 
    to an extremely narrow niche. They simply arrived on our shores too 
    late for anyone besides a handful of anime-loving nerds to take them 
    seriously, and were extremely antiquated by 2003's standards - hell, 
    even by 1999's!
    Linkto:2021/04/17(土) 20:10:25
 "Currently Online : 1"
  We don't have that much of activity yet (゚Д゚)
  But at the very worst we would fail, so I'm up
  for it!!! Which one do you think would be more
  entertaining, raiding or doxing?
  Linkto:2021/04/17(土) 18:09:59
  (´ー`) we need people for either
   (´ー`) this is a tiny niche, no one cares though (´ー`) 
   Linkto:2021/04/17(土) 18:26:11
   Let's try anyways ( '-')
     We have nothing to lose ( '-')
     Linkto:2021/04/17(土) 18:35:14
