472.    User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/18(Sun) 10:19:05          

475. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/18(Sun) 12:53:45          
> patchouli


Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 10:19:05

476. >Anonymous-san   User:    Post date: 2021/04/18(Sun) 21:32:58             
> > patchouli
>  (´ー`)
> Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 10:19:05


Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 12:53:45

477. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/18(Sun) 23:12:01          
> >  (´ー`)
> > Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 10:19:05
>  (´ー`)
> Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 12:53:45
         __,,,.. -──- 、.,_
   く \ァ'"´  ,-─-、__  `ヽ lヽ
   l二\ |ア´ ̄]-──ヽ.,__ `ヽト _ン  }/`∧
   i´ ̄__ト─'"´::::/::::::::::::::::::`ヽゝ,__,..イ./ }
   r'ヽ/:::::::::/:::::::::;'|;;;;;;/ |::::::::::::::::::::::`ヽ`「 ̄
   { 7::::::: |!:::::::::|.|、::/ _|:::::::,|.|ヽ:::::::|::::∨、
   ソ .|:::::::::::|l:::::::::f斤アT !;;;;;/|」-| |::::ハ:::}._」     
    ヽ|:::::::::::||:::::::::| 弋_リ     fテr|/::::|./        _____∧∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    |:::::::::::||:::::::::|""     . 弋j };;;;;」       ~' ____( ゚Д゚)<  ぁあぁあぁあ!!
    |:::::::::::||:::::::::|        "| | |          UU    U U    \________
    |.:::::::::八:::::::ト、    ´   人! |       /)
     |!::::::::::::,ハ:::::∨> 、.,__,,. イ::::::|| |      / /、
     |l::::: ,イ |:::::::}\  「r ヽ |:::::::|!.|   r/  `つハ
     ||::ア´ ̄`!:::::リト-、ヽレヘ 」:::::::| |  rヘ  ノ-イ
    !/    |::::/\  }ム ハ. |:::::::| |  /\{\_||
    ;    /{]、  ∨ .}l{  /ア三ミヽ、 \_/
   r'   く__/_」_r-、|   {l}//    \X´,三三ヽ
   ヽr‐ヘ ̄ ̄   ∨  //     //   /
    | ̄ |        ヽく∠_/´! /´ハ    /
.    '  '、    -─/ | {  `'  //ト-- '
      ヽ. /\    r'   ヽヽ    イ

Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 21:32:58

478. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 00:00:25          
Those 2ch pastes ain't gon' work round these parts partner (´∇`)

Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 23:12:01

479. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 00:12:11          
> Those 2ch pastes ain't gon' work round these parts partner (´∇`)
> Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 23:12:01

they look just fine to me  (´ー`)

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:00:25

481. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 00:21:22          
> >  (´ー`)
> > Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 12:53:45
>          __,,,.. -──- 、.,_
>    く \ァ'"´  ,-─-、__  `ヽ lヽ
>    l二\ |ア´ ̄]-──ヽ.,__ `ヽト _ン  }/`∧
>    i´ ̄__ト─'"´::::/::::::::::::::::::`ヽゝ,__,..イ./ }
>    r'ヽ/:::::::::/:::::::::;'|;;;;;;/ |::::::::::::::::::::::`ヽ`「 ̄
>    { 7::::::: |!:::::::::|.|、::/ _|:::::::,|.|ヽ:::::::|::::∨、
>    ソ .|:::::::::::|l:::::::::f斤アT !;;;;;/|」-| |::::ハ:::}._」     
>     ヽ|:::::::::::||:::::::::| 弋_リ     fテr|/::::|./        _____∧∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
>     |:::::::::::||:::::::::|""     . 弋j };;;;;」       ~' ____( ゚Д゚)<  ぁあぁあぁあ!!
>     |:::::::::::||:::::::::|        "| | |          UU    U U    \________
>     |.:::::::::八:::::::ト、    ´   人! |       /)
>      |!::::::::::::,ハ:::::∨> 、.,__,,. イ::::::|| |      / /、
>      |l::::: ,イ |:::::::}\  「r ヽ |:::::::|!.|   r/  `つハ
>      ||::ア´ ̄`!:::::リト-、ヽレヘ 」:::::::| |  rヘ  ノ-イ
>     !/    |::::/\  }ム ハ. |:::::::| |  /\{\_||
>     ;    /l{  /ア三ミヽ、 \_/
>    r'   く__/_」_r-、|   {l}//    \X´,三三ヽ
>    ヽr‐ヘ ̄ ̄   ∨  //     //   /
>     | ̄ |        ヽく∠_/´! /´ハ    /
> .    '  '、    -─/ | {  `'  //ト-- '
>       ヽ. /\    r'   ヽヽ    イ
> Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 21:32:58

Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 23:12:01

482. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 00:29:34          
> > Those 2ch pastes ain't gon' work round these parts partner (´∇`)
> they look just fine to me  (´ー`)

Either your fonts are wrong, or your eyes are wrong!

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:12:11

483. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 00:32:19          
> > they look just fine to me  (´ー`)
> Either your fonts are wrong, or your eyes are wrong!
> Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:12:11


Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:29:34

485. >Anonymous-san   User:    Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 00:35:26             
> > Either your fonts are wrong, or your eyes are wrong!
> > Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:12:11
> https://2ch.cx/src/978.png
> Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:29:34

looks fine to me

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:32:19

486. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 00:43:04          
> > Either your fonts are wrong, or your eyes are wrong!
> https://2ch.cx/src/978.png

Yeah that's MS PGothic - a proportional font (AKA not monospace)

This site (and all Ayashii World sites) uses monospaced Japanese fonts 
like MS Gothic, which means all full-width characters are the same 
width, and all half-width characters are exactly half of that

All these lines should be EXACTLY the same length:
                                                                ← Tabs
                                                                ← Spaces
萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌← Full-width
αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘ← Greek letters
                                ← Blank spaces


Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:32:19

487. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 00:45:32          
> > https://2ch.cx/src/978.png
> Yeah that's MS PGothic - a proportional font (AKA not monospace)
> This site (and all Ayashii World sites) uses monospaced Japanese fonts 
> like MS Gothic, which means all full-width characters are the same 
> width, and all half-width characters are exactly half of that
> All these lines should be EXACTLY the same length:
>                                                                 ← Tabs
>                                                                 ← Spaces
> ................................................................←
> !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111123456789←
> ----------------------------------------------------------------←
> ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――←
> ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥←
> iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii←
> 萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌← Full-width
> αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘ← Greek letters
>                                 ← Blank spaces
> https://2ch.cx/src/980.png
> Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:32:19

what font should we use then?

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:43:04

488. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 01:06:11          
> what font should we use then?

Any monospace Japanese font is fine - you'll probably have to go into 
your browser settings and change what the Japanese monospace font is 
set to. It should have been correct by default though...

Here's some examples of monospace Japanese fonts:
- Hiragino Sans W3 (Mac)
- Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN (Mac)
- BIZ UDGothic (Windows 10)
- MS Gothic (default on Windows since the 90s, aliased at low sizes)

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 00:45:32

489. >Anonymous-san   User:    Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 01:10:13             
> > what font should we use then?
> Any monospace Japanese font is fine - you'll probably have to go into 
> your browser settings and change what the Japanese monospace font is 
> set to. It should have been correct by default though...
> Here's some examples of monospace Japanese fonts:
> - Hiragino Sans W3 (Mac)
> - Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN (Mac)
> - BIZ UDGothic (Windows 10)
> - MS Gothic (default on Windows since the 90s, aliased at low sizes)

Oh and one thing to note - MS Gothic is the only one I've seen that 
gives (´ー`) it's intended little smile/smirk. The rest usually just 
make it a flat dash, which gives it a completely different emotion!

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 01:06:11

490. >-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 01:34:37          
> > Any monospace Japanese font is fine - you'll probably have to go into 
> > your browser settings and change what the Japanese monospace font is 
> > set to. It should have been correct by default though...
> > Here's some examples of monospace Japanese fonts:
> > - Hiragino Sans W3 (Mac)
> > - Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN (Mac)
> > - BIZ UDGothic (Windows 10)
> > - MS Gothic (default on Windows since the 90s, aliased at low sizes)
> Oh and one thing to note - MS Gothic is the only one I've seen that 
> gives (´ー`) it's intended little smile/smirk. The rest usually just 
> make it a flat dash, which gives it a completely different emotion!
> Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 01:06:11

(´ー`)  i hope everyone has been seeing this smirk

its so nice to have (´ー`)

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 01:10:13

491. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 01:43:54          
> > Oh and one thing to note - MS Gothic is the only one I've seen that 
> > gives (´ー`) it's intended little smile/smirk. The rest usually just 
> > make it a flat dash, which gives it a completely different emotion!
> (´ー`)  i hope everyone has been seeing this smirk
> its so nice to have (´ー`)


Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 01:34:37

493. >-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 08:02:01          
> > Any monospace Japanese font is fine - you'll probably have to go into 
> > your browser settings and change what the Japanese monospace font is 
> > set to. It should have been correct by default though...
> > Here's some examples of monospace Japanese fonts:
> > - Hiragino Sans W3 (Mac)
> > - Hiragino Kaku Gothic ProN (Mac)
> > - BIZ UDGothic (Windows 10)
> > - MS Gothic (default on Windows since the 90s, aliased at low sizes)
> Oh and one thing to note - MS Gothic is the only one I've seen that 
> gives (´ー`) it's intended little smile/smirk. The rest usually just 
> make it a flat dash, which gives it a completely different emotion!
> Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 01:06:11

monafont works too (´ー`) and your thinking of duospacing
the fault lies in "monospace" either meaning limited proportional or truly fixed width where fixed width always means monospace (゚Д゚)
whoever thought not changing monospace to some other identifier for typeface normalization and occasionally adding fixedwidth instead of monospace was a good idea i have dark surprises for them... (〇∇〇)

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 01:10:13

494. >Anonymous-san   User:    Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 08:48:36             
> > Oh and one thing to note - MS Gothic is the only one I've seen that 
> > gives (´ー`) it's intended little smile/smirk. The rest usually just 
> > make it a flat dash, which gives it a completely different emotion!
> > Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 01:06:11
> monafont works too (´ー`) and your thinking of duospacing
> the fault lies in "monospace" either meaning limited proportional or truly fixed width where fixed width always means monospace (゚Д゚)
> whoever thought not changing monospace to some other identifier for typeface normalization and occasionally adding fixedwidth instead of monospace was a good idea i have dark surprises for them... (〇∇〇)
> Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 01:10:13

on my own personal note i wrote that funny (ノД`、)
monafont can work for ayashiis duospacing but requires using its gothic variant and something that forces duospacing making it look slightly weird but not broken could be patched from the width directory
and (´ー`) looks wrong with the gothic variant of monafont

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 08:02:01

495. >Anonymous-san   User:    Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 09:46:57             
> > monafont works too (´ー`) and your thinking of duospacing
> > the fault lies in "monospace" either meaning limited proportional or truly fixed width where fixed width always means monospace (゚Д゚)
> > whoever thought not changing monospace to some other identifier for typeface normalization and occasionally adding fixedwidth instead of monospace was a good idea i have dark surprises for them... (〇∇〇)
> > Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 01:10:13
> on my own personal note i wrote that funny (ノД`、)
> monafont can work for ayashiis duospacing but requires using its gothic variant and something that forces duospacing making it look slightly weird but not broken could be patched from the width directory
> and (´ー`) looks wrong with the gothic variant of monafont
> Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 08:02:01

found a already patched monafont ヽ(´ー`)ノ called ipamonafont use IPAMonaGothic from it
excuse the weird blurry rendering https://2ch.cx/src/983.png

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 08:48:36

499. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 13:25:06          
> >  (´ー`)
> > Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 12:53:45
>          __,,,.. -──- 、.,_
>    く \ァ'"´  ,-─-、__  `ヽ lヽ
>    l二\ |ア´ ̄]-──ヽ.,__ `ヽト _ン  }/`∧
>    i´ ̄__ト─'"´::::/::::::::::::::::::`ヽゝ,__,..イ./ }
>    r'ヽ/:::::::::/:::::::::;'|;;;;;;/ |::::::::::::::::::::::`ヽ`「 ̄
>    { 7::::::: |!:::::::::|.|、::/ _|:::::::,|.|ヽ:::::::|::::∨、
>    ソ .|:::::::::::|l:::::::::f斤アT !;;;;;/|」-| |::::ハ:::}._」     
>     ヽ|:::::::::::||:::::::::| 弋_リ     fテr|/::::|./        _____∧∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
>     |:::::::::::||:::::::::|""     . 弋j };;;;;」       ~' ____( ゚Д゚)<  ぁあぁあぁあ!!
>     |:::::::::::||:::::::::|        "| | |          UU    U U    \________
>     |.:::::::::八:::::::ト、    ´   人! |       /)
>      |!::::::::::::,ハ:::::∨> 、.,__,,. イ::::::|| |      / /、
>      |l::::: ,イ |:::::::}\  「r ヽ |:::::::|!.|   r/  `つハ
>      ||::ア´ ̄`!:::::リト-、ヽレヘ 」:::::::| |  rヘ  ノ-イ
>     !/    |::::/\  }ム ハ. |:::::::| |  /\{\_||
>     ;    /l{  /ア三ミヽ、 \_/
>    r'   く__/_」_r-、|   {l}//    \X´,三三ヽ
>    ヽr‐ヘ ̄ ̄   ∨  //     //   /
>     | ̄ |        ヽく∠_/´! /´ハ    /
> .    '  '、    -─/ | {  `'  //ト-- '
>       ヽ. /\    r'   ヽヽ    イ
> Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 21:32:58

while we are here, has anyone the slightest idea of what "?c=58" means?

Linkto:2021/04/18(日) 23:12:01

500. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 14:34:54          
> while we are here, has anyone the slightest idea of what "?c=58" means?

It's how it save/loads your custom settings, which get saved to a 
cookie, but don't seem to load properly if you hard refresh the page 
(hence why it recommends bookmarking the URL after changing the 
settings I guess) (;´Д`)

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 13:25:06

504. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 21:15:49          
> > while we are here, has anyone the slightest idea of what "?c=58" means?
It's the number of cocks you have taken up the ass.
c = cock

Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 14:34:54

505. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/19(Mon) 22:13:34          
> It's the number of cocks you have taken up the ass.
> c = cock
> Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 14:34:54


Linkto:2021/04/19(月) 21:15:49

23 posts found. ←Return