383. Ayashii World's Genealogy   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/09(Fri) 11:25:48          
『Ayashii World's Genealogy』(as of 2000/04/19)

┃TL notes:              ┃
┃Shiba = founder of Ayashii World  ┃
┃Taihi = refuge / evacuation     ┃
┃Honten = head office / main office ┃
┃<> = title of a given lineage   ┃
┃↓ = still existed on 2000/04/19  ┃

Shiba Era, 1st Period(Digital Eden)96/8~96/12
Shiba Era, 2nd Period(Kenjinkai)96/12~97/3
Shiba Era, 3rd Period(jcat、k&t、IntaractiA、Muryou Rental)97/3~97/9
Shiba Era, 4th Period(Xtel、Solidigit)97/9~98/3
Shiba Era, 5th Period(Shibuya Ikebukuro Hyper and more)98/3~98/5
Shiba Era, 6th Period(WEBDESIGN)98/5~98/9
Taihi-you 98/9                      Famille, 1st Period 98/9~99/4       Meiso 98/9~
│                                  │                 ↓
Yuuyuu Club 98/9                           │
│                                  │
Denki Maker Honten, 1st Period 98/9~98/12              │
│(Ayashii Hirunobu・Yorunobu Honten)                │
│                                  │
Denki Maker Honten, 2nd Period 98/12~99/1              │
│(Hirunobu・Yorunobu Honten)                    │
├────────────────────────┐         │
<Honten>                  <REBIRTH lineage>   │
Denki Maker Honten, 3rd Period 99/1~99/10  REBIRTH 99/1~99/4  │
│(306c6d Honten)                │         │
│                        └──────┐  │
│                        :      ↓  │
│                        :  Famille, 2nd Period 99/4~99/6
│                        :         │(Main Era)
│                        :         │
│                        :  Famille, 3rd Period 99/6
│                        :         │(/1/ Era)
│                        ├─────────┘
│         KCOM 99/6~99/7     REQUIEM 99/6~99/7
│          :             │
│          :┌────────────┴─────────────────────────────────────────┐
│          <II>                                                   <Kinsan>
│        ARENA・II, 1st Period 99/7                                           Kinsan 99/7~99/9
│           │(until the Extra split)                                          │ :
│           ├──────────────────────────────────────────────┐       │ :
│         II, 2nd Period 99/7~99/9                                   <Extra>     │  :
Pororo Honten      │(Halted・until the ??? split)                        Extra, 1st Period 99/7  │  :
│99/10~00/3      ├───────────────────────────────┐              │       │ :
│         II, 3rd Period 99/9~99/11                <Christmas Island>         AMG 99/7~99/8  │  :
│           │(until the November suspension)          Temporary board 99/9          │       │ :
│           ├────────────────┐              │         Extra, 2nd Period 99/8  │  :
│           :               <Raper>           ??? 99/9~99/10        │       │ :
│           :               Net Pro 99/11          │             Grind 99/8    │  :
├───┐       ├────────────────┘│            Wakana 99/10~99/11       │       │ 2000 99/12~
│ <Inujini>   II, 4th Period 99/11~00/2     Millenium 99/11~00/2     │         Extra, 3rd Period 99/8~ │  │
│Inujini Ayashii    │(until the Yamashita crisis)  │          Christmas Island 99/11~      ├───────┘ │
│   │00/1~     │                 └─────┐       │              │         │
│   │     II, 5th Period 00/2                 │       │              │         │
│   │       │(non-ARENA)              II Taihi 00/2    │              │         │
│   │       ├──────────────┐        │       │              │         │
│   │     II@Maripe Moe! 00/2     <Mirai>       │       │              │         │
│   │       │            Mirai 00/2~      │       │              │         │
│   └──┐  II, 6th Period 00/2~       │        │       │              │         │
Taihi Honten │    │(since revival of AGStar) │      @Pyongyang 00/3~  │              │         │
│00/3~   │    │              │        │       │              │         │
↓      ↓    ↓              ↓        ↓       ↓              ↓         ↓

384. >Anonymous-san   User:    Post date: 2021/04/09(Fri) 11:36:17             
I couldn't fit an opening message in that post without it getting 
rejected for being too long, but basically I translated Ayashii 
World's genealogy circa 2000/04/19

You can find the original in Japanese hosted on 
http://strangewalker.nobody.jp/logwalk.html and a few other places

Even though it cuts off almost exactly 21 years ago, many of these 
lineages have survived to the present day (゚Д゚;)

Linkto:2021/04/09(金) 11:25:48

392. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/04/10(Sat) 18:25:00          
> 『Ayashii World's Genealogy』(as of 2000/04/19)

Great work

Linkto:2021/04/09(金) 11:25:48

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