[Date updated: 2021/03/30(Tue) 19:29:13]
 I realize this site is a WIP, but 250 characters per line is too restrictive for English.
 I think it should be about twofold of that.
 User: kuznetsov
 ││I settled it at 500 characters. This is a good amount for english users.
 ││Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 17:55:33
 │├hello kuznetsov-san, do you think you will have a meta thread here for ideas and bug reports, etc
 │││Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 18:15:16
 ││└permanent threads on this style of bbs arent good.
 ││ │
 ││ │Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 18:20:10
 ││ │
 ││ └drink the piss rasputin
 ││   Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 18:22:05
   Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 18:15:16
 User: $
  It's not that tricky.  When your text reaches the end of that text 
  field,  hit enter to manually linebreak.  The narrow view is very 
  aesthetic.  Sorry that you are too STUPID to appreciate it. 
  Ayashii World  is not  a 4chan:  it's a USENET.  If you approach the
  scenario with the wrong preconceptions,  you will just end up frustrated 
  or deluded.  Change your mind rather than forcing the world to change to
  satisfy you.  Ayashii World culture predates you,  child. 
  A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master.  While the
  master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen.  The master
  poured the visitor's cup to the brim, and then kept pouring.  The
  professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer restrain
  himself. ``It's full! No more will go in!" the professor blurted.
  ``This is you," the master replied;  ``how can I show you Zen unless you
  first empty your cup?"
  Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 17:55:33
  I understand your point about aesthetics, but it doesn't make any sense in English.
  ││Japanese characters are larger than latin alphabet characters to begin with.
  ││Maybe you should do some research before blaming others of being stupid.
  ││Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 18:02:15
  │└80 characters per line originated in the English (American, actually)
    computing culture, with 72 on USENET -- which was the direct 
    inspiration for ayashii world. I would Google some articles about
    65 column / 72 column / 80 column text buffers, but I am lazy and it
    is not my job to spoonfeed you.
    Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 18:41:04
  very insightful post. i also like the narrow view, too many applications and websites feel the need to fight to expand and take up as much of our screen (and attention) as possible. it is refreshing and modest.
    Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 18:02:15
