165. Title   User: Name   Post date: 2021/03/30(Tue) 18:09:26             
Contents of post New message (1000 characters per line, up to 120 lines. Please put a line break appropriately. No special markup enabled.)

172. >Name-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2021/03/30(Tue) 18:25:55          
> Contents of post New message (1000 characters per line, up to 120 lines. Please put a line break appropriately. No special markup enabled.)

I'm going to stab you.  Maybe 90 characters per line is a fair
compromise.  In an ideal world,  people have the common sense to
wrap their lines around 72 characters.  Maybe 80 in rare circumstances.

Linkto:2021/03/30(火) 18:09:26

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