6253. >Anonymous-san   User: Anonymous   Post date: 2022/12/05(Mon) 09:45:16          
> > https://exhentai.org/g/2391260/af84964a6d/
> > Why does and since when sad panda listen copyright claims? (´~`)
> There was big drama on /a/ and other places about it back when it 
> started back in 2014. The cries of "Jewcob" can still be heard today...
> https://2ch.sh/src/2556.png
> Fun fact: Fakku used to be a pirated hentai site just like sad panda, 
> but then they went "legit" and started sending out DMCA claims to every-
> one. Same thing with Crunchyroll, which also began as a pirate anime 
> streaming site that later went "legit"
> Moral of the story:
> Do not support those turncoats, pirate everything!!!ヽ(`Д´)ノ

I knew about crunchyroll, but didn't know it was also the case with
fakku. It's sad that sad panda has to obey those copyright claims...

fak u fakku ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Reference: 2022/12/05(Mon) 09:08:40

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