[Date updated: 2023/11/14(Tue) 20:24:42]
 I've nevar watched Mirai Nikki, maybe I'll watch it at the saem time as you 4 teh lulz.ヽ(´∇`)ノ
 What ep are u at?
 EP 5, join me! (;^Д^)
   I'm at  EP 10 already...
    Ah if you're at EP5, you've seen the eyeball dude right? Great guy. (´∇`)σ
    I only knew it as TEH famous yandere anime, but so far it's better than I expected, the Murmur segments are fun.
    I remember being seriously jealous of yuki during the basement scene (´ー`)
    ││It's a bit stale if you already know, but 
    ││www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO-G5DVNlw4 is nice too
    │└The way she said "Yukki" at times reminded me of something, I remember now... blast from the past!
    Yes I really liked him, I'm glad you enjoy it. I don't have as much time as I'd like to have currently therefore it's alright you're ahead (⌒∇⌒ゞ)
     Some nights I sleep, other nights I don't lol. stopped at ep 12 today.  ъ( ゚ー^)
