[Date updated: 2024/06/13(Thu) 00:06:46]
 I think I remember seeing that post about the cum rag mushroom spawn.
 Honestly, I just use a paper towel and I immediately bin it when done... 
 I recently upgraded to disposing my semen tissues in the toilet 
  instead of letting them pile up in my bin for months ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  That's how I've always done too. Get 4 squares of toilet paper, fold it 
   from middle, place it on my belly and make it cover ペニス before 射精, then 
   just flush it ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   I put it to my desk to flush later on, but it disappeared while I was 
   doing something else on PC (;´Д`)
    I can only hope some weird organization out there won't make millions of 
     clones of me and let them loose near my house for lols (;´Д`)
     It's too late, we already have a million semen clones at our disposal! 
      And they're all lolis made from your DNA! (`∇´)
      I propose an alternative narritive! The semen tissue simply gained 
       conciousness! all the cum particles came together to form one being, and 
       now it has escaped into the world...
       this is exactly why you should always thank your cum for making you feel good ヽ(`Д´)ノ
       ││if it ever gains sentience it will spare you from the human extermination
       │└Fuck... What if all the semen I flushed down to sewers are still alive 
       │ │and plotting against me for revenge? (;゚∇゚)
       │ │
       │ └Or maybe it just wants to find its way back home and reunite with its
         father in harmony? Would you accept your semen child with open arms?
         what if he is just pretending to get close to me and kill all my loved ones?!
       (*'ー')> > It's too late, we already have a million semen clones at our disposal! 
         (`∇´)ε≡Ξヽ( ^Д^)ノΣ(゚д゚|||)
