[Date updated: 2023/07/24(Mon) 01:20:39]
 Kuz has done his final Q&A on the R8 site a while ago.
 Honestly, despite his reputation, it was pretty emotional.
 in celebration, the people from that site tried (and failed) to launch a 
  raid on us Σ(;゚∇゚)
  Yet i thought that shouldve been that one, single day where there would 
   be peace between us.
   But no.
   Their whole schtick is "ruin everything as much as possible". It's 
    foolish to expect anything else from them (;´Д`)
    this is sadly true. we are the site that seeks to have fun no matter
      what and they are the site that seeks to ruin fun no matter what.
      there's no way we can ever get along. best case scenario is that we 
      ignore each other (;`-´)
