[Date updated: 2023/06/24(Sat) 04:03:14]
 Garanger will be shut down in 8 days. Save what you want.
 Surely someone will at least archive it... Right?
 │├I hope so. Maybe a clone will pop up.
 │└There's plenty of archives of it on the Wayback Machine going back to 
 │ │2007, but Futaba-like imageboards are inherently ephemeral
 │ │
 │ │Many of Garanger's boards are already closed, and even prior to this 
 │ │announcement there had been large restructurings to the boards (;^Д^)
 │ │
 │ └Wayback Machine isn't good enough. I want to save all images ヽ(`Д´)ノ
 what is Garanger
 │├A Japanese imageboard for perverts and pedos.
 ││└But that's all imageboards! (´∇`)
 ││ │
 ││ └Not modern 4chan. Modern 4chan is full of gay people and trannies.
 ││  surely they would stay confined to their respective containment boards (/cm/ and /lgbt/)... ( ´ω`)
 ││  ││
 ││  │└ Nope they are all over the site now and have even ruined /r9k/ along with the normal niggers who invaded it. I miss when 4chan was just perverts pedos and creeps.
 ││  those guys are included with the perverts and pedos, no? ┐(´ー`)┌
 ││   By perverts and pedos i meant what society sees as abnormal. LGBTQ+ shit is mainstream and widely accepted by the general public.
 │└A Japanese imageboard that - among other things - has (or had) a lot of 
 │ │boards dedicated to cute/voyeuristic/creepshot/gravure/risque pictures 
 │ │of young girls, teens, junior idols, child models, shotas, etc
 │ │
 │ │I believe there's an upcoming Japanese law revision in July that makes 
 │ │punishments related to voyeur pics more severe, and a lot of the site's 
 │ │content falls under that category
 │ │
 │ │Plus the site has been struggling to deal with CP and trolls for a long 
 │ │time, so I guess Garanger admin-san has decided to call it quits after 
 │ │16 years (;´Д`)
 │ │
 │ └good thing it's fucking dying then. How is this even defensible? fuck all of you.
   Fuck off moralfag
 Another one bites the dust (;´Д`)
