[Date updated: 2023/05/05(Fri) 06:50:29]
 I really FUCKING HATE my nipples SO MUCH.
 When I was younger, I used to like touching my nipples a lot. It became 
  sort of an addiction.
  My sister took great umbrage with this fact. Many times she would ambush 
  me, ripping off my bedcovers to find me touching my nipples, and she 
  would cry, "You stop that!!!" ヽ(´ー`)ノ
  your sister was smart. she was trying to keep you from becoming gay. 
   Actually, she was trying to prevent him from growing a pair of manboobs. Science shows that one in five adolescent boys develop breasts from touching their nipples. (゚ー゚)
    H-huh?? (;゚∀゚)
     It all makes sense now doesn't it, man boob-anon? (´人`)
      I- I mean my nipples are itchy every morning, that's why I hate it ヽ(`Д´)ノ
       Must be infected. You should see a doctor. Or maybe a masseuse...
