[Date updated: 2023/04/11(Tue) 11:47:28]
 I wanna try to explain what Kominfo is (I misspelled it sorry).
 but the problem is; english is not my first language, and my brain feels like barely functioned everytime I type.
 I am so sorry about that. ┐(´ー`)┌
 It’s neither my first language. You shouldn’t care about that simplified 
 ││mutt Sprache, it exists solely for people of different countries talking 
 ││on the Internets.
 │└You happen to be German?
 │ │
 │ └Nein, I'm a Slavshit.
 Don't worry about it. Sometimes when I am done writing something, I look 
   at the text and feel as if I made up some words that don't actually exist (;^Д^)
