[Date updated: 2022/08/17(Wed) 16:13:40]
 Internet kamisama blessed me with a vision, and in it He said that He 
 only approves of translating scripts into PHP ヽ(´⌒`)ノ
 ( ´,_ゝ`)The only reason to do that is so you can convince kuz to run
 │└No... our ancestors did it with imgboard.cgi to make gazoubbs, and with 
   KuzuhaScript to make KuzuhaScriptPHP. Internet kamisama was pleased by 
   these acts, and gifted great longevity unto these scripts ヽ(´⌒`)ノ
 User: Kovalenko
   Blessed be chinks! Добре, я тоді спілкуватимуся тут своєю мовою,
   ви ж не проти? І тільки посмійте мені не відповісти, хуєглоти.
