[Date updated: 2022/08/26(Fri) 17:08:33]
 User: idiot
 just found this 2010 yt revival https://utue.net/ and i gotta say :D
 the design is kinda terrible
 One day, one of these sites will go beyond merely copying old youtube's 
  interface, and actually attempt to revive the "this is a social network 
  for teens and adults to make kewl videos and vlogs to each other over 
  the internet" concept instead of just being a wasteland of stolen 
  youtube videos and failed attempts at humor by child-aged and child-
  brained furfags and brony dipshits with more pronouns than brain cells
  ...that day is not today (;´Д`)
  User: idiot
   i eean,vidlii does that with a few good content creators here and there
   he described vidlii exactly, I get more interaction on some of my videos
    on vidlii than i do on youtube. It is seriously the best video sharing 
    website and lets me express myself more than youtube because I can upload
    stuff that would get my channel fucked on youtube.
   User: idiot
     but then again,so many of those people are quitting vidlii,so i dont know. maybe someday,some guy will save vidlii and prove that there is still hope left,but then again we will just have to wait
