[Date updated: 2022/07/04(Mon) 17:13:13]
 everyone who reads this message should post moar, even
 if you don't have anything worthy to tell ( ´ω`)
 I don't post much cause I rarely have anything to add.
  What should I talk about then? (´Д`;;)
  Neither do we have always something to tell, so don't overthink it
   and post moar ヽ(´ー`)ノ
   But I have nothing to post about most of the time, that's the problem!
   ││If I were to scrape whatever titbits of topics to talk about I have,
   ││I fear it would come out as something like blogposting or just generally low quality...
   ││The eternal dilemma of the lurker (´A`)y-~~
   ││Though I guess I do have one thing to talk about right now
   ││I watched all of ARIA the Animation a while back and ever since
   ││I've been so captivated by it that I have and urge to share it with others.
   ││Has anyone here seen the series? What were your thoughts on it?
   ││The last movie released in theaters back in December of last year,
   ││blurays should be coming out next month iirc, so I've been waiting on that.
   ││Getting piss-drunk at night in Neo-Venezia is more ecstatic than injecting heroin straight into your eyeballs 
   ││I really really, REALLY love ARIA (;∀;)
   │└I watched the first 2 seasons a very long time ago, but I held off from 
     watching Origination because I didn't want it to end... then years 
     later they went and made moar, WTF ヽ(`Д´)ノ
   I have trouble reading this board, it hurts my eyes. (゚ー゚)
    What's the issue? If it's the colors maybe I can attempt making an accessibility
    ││I guess the font can also be hard to read in long term. If you are familiar with
    ││browser extensions and okay with not seeing the AA posted here properly, maybe
    ││you can use stylus and set body's font to something easier to read
    ││here is an example:
    ││.msgnormal, body, footer {
    ││font-family: arial;
    ││Arial because imo it's the easiest font to read
    │├Well it just confused me as I experience this style of board for the first time. It took me a while to adjust to who replies to who. The tree view helps a bit. Just bear in mind new people need to adjust to the chronological order of this place. Also: hello! (・∀・)
    ││├Welcome aboard anonymous-san ヽ(´ー`)ノ
    │││                 (    )
    │││                  ノωヽ
    ││└Welcome ヽ(´ー`)ノ
    ││ │Now try to understand what "Please insert line breaks where appropriate" on
    ││ │top of the post form could mean
    ││ │
    ││ └LMAO Sorry about that.
    │└Maybe, but Arial sux in other ways
      "Analysis showed that satirical readings in Times New Roman were per-
      ceived as more funny and angry than those in Arial, the combination of 
      emotional perception which is congruent with the definition of satire."
    Really? For me it's the most soothing board to look at ヽ(´ー`)ノ
