[Date updated: 2022/07/16(Sat) 17:18:33]
 I think the Pentium D CPU I bought for my XP machine just died - the PC 
 had been failing more and more ever since I put it in, then today it 
 stopped POSTing entirely (;´Д`)
 I thought it might be the motherboard finely giving up the ghost, but I 
 put the old P4 CPU back in and now it boots perfectly again ヽ(´ー`)ノ
 Sayonara, silky smooth Dual Core™ experience...
 It has waited in some dusty box for more than a decade, so it would get bought
  by you and used to run games as old has itself. It had no regrets (´人`)
  That is a nice thought, though the shitty "2006 prebuilt"-tier CPU 
    cooler I was using in the middle of a global heatwave (I don't even 
    have AC (;´Д`)) while trying to run a game that seemed to double as a 
    CPU torture test probably didn't help...
    I did buy a l33t cooler for it, but I couldn't install it - the back-
    plate from the old one is stuck to the motherboard with some kind of 
    strong adhesive, and it seemed like I might break something if I used 
    any more force to try and remove it (;´Д`)
