[Date updated: 2022/07/09(Sat) 20:19:28]
 whats uzee?
 It's slang for "urusai", meaning annoying or noisy - I don't know how 
  widespread the phenomenon was elsewhere, but on Ayashii boards it was 
  something of a meme to type it in English in all caps and say 
  "[annoying thing] UZEE"
  Explanation UZEE ヽ(`Д´)ノ
  This is just my theory about a possible evolution of
   UZEE, but:
   You can deforme うるさい (urusai) to うっさい (ussai)
   うっさい can be further deformed to うっせぇ (ussee)
   I have seen in multiple occasions where っ is omitted,
   if it's applied to うっせぇ, it would become うせぇ (usee)
   On Japanese keyboards, the way to use roman character
   is often pressing Shift key, but that would write them all-
   caps like USEE
   And as for USEE becoming UZEE... I dunno, maybe it has 
   something to do with se being せ and ze being ぜ, which
   is just せ (se) with dakuten
   うぜえ and うざい are old slang terms that were supposedly popularized 
    between the 1960s and the 1990s according to various sources I've read
    (liek: https://kotobank.jp/word/%E3%81%86%E3%81%96%E3%81%84-2237201 )
    I believe the difference between うるさい and うるせー is that the 
    latter is rougher/ruder, but also used in a joking/friendly manner 
    amongst young people, kinda like "shaddup". UZEE is just typing うぜえ 
    while holding shift, as you say
    I didn't know about うぜえ and うざい、but you are right about うるせー
      It also applies to ない, which is used in all negative verbs
      ない (nai) -> ねー (nee)
      Such as:
      しない (shinai) -> しねー (shinee)
      しっていない (shitteinai) -> しってねー (shittenee)
      There is a bit more to this, you can look up something like "ない vs ねえ"
      if you're actually interested
