[Date updated: 2022/05/08(Sun) 19:14:58]
 I saw a weird dream involving Strange World ( ’~’)
 But I don't remember any details (;´Д`)
 Did it involve AA creation? Maybe you were astrally previewing a pro-
  ject I started working on yesterday... it's a (somewhat crude) web-
  based ayashii AA editor! ヽ(´∇`)ノ
  I don't know, all I remember something happening on Ayashii (;´Д`)
   A web-based Ayashii AA editor!?!!/?/!1
   It's "inspired" by those ancient 2ch AA editors (AKA I'm just copying 
    all the characters from one of them, LOL), but for Ayashii cuz nothing 
    like that seems to exist. Here's what it looks like so far: 
    At its core, it's just a textarea + the same script used here for our 
    kaomoji buttons (+ a script to switch pages + sum fancy schmancy CSS) 
    This is too cool (;゚∀゚)
     Also that it's the topic, I wonder if something is wrong with my fonts, because
     I see some of the ASCII arts a little b0rked here like this:
     Yeah that's totally wrong - you're using some kind of MS PGothic clone 
       instead of MS Gothic! The former uses proportional spacing (so each 
       character can have different widths to the next), while the other is 
       monospaced (so all full-width characters are the same width as each 
       other, and all half-width characters are exactly half of that)
       The large spaces between the lines are also erroneous, but that's just 
       cuz Firefux'd likes to render that font with >1 line spacing instead of 
       exactly 1 - you can use this CSS to fix it:
       .msgnormal {
         line-height: 1;
       To help fix ur issues, here's an ayashii font copypasta I put together 
       a while ago:
       ◆ Ayashii World kaomoji and AA are made with MS Gothic in mind
       ◆ The lines below should all look the same width (the arrows on 
          the right should all be vertically aligned with each other):
                                                                       ← Tabs
                                                                       ← Spaces
       萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌萌← Full-width
       αβγδεζηθικλμνξοπρστυφχψωΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘ← Greek letters
                                       ← Blank spaces
       ◆ The "matari" kaomoji below should be smiling and looking 
          relaxed, not straight-faced or serious:
       ◆ This should be a perfect octagon:
          / ̄ ̄ ̄\
         /     \
        │      │
        │      │
        │      │
         \     /
       ◆ This should be b0rked (If it looks fine to you, you're using 
          the wrong font!):
       .    / ̄ ̄ ̄\
       .  /.       \
        │.         │
        │.         │
        │.         │
       .  \.       /
       .    \___/
       ◆ Ideally, there should be no visible gaps or breaks in this 
          line (if there are, your browser is displaying the incorrect 
          line height. To fix, you can use a custom CSS extension to 
          set line-height to "1"):
